Tag Archives: short stories

Where did all the words go?

Where did all the words go?

After celebrating the Winter Solstice with all my children on 21st December 2019, I turned my attention to the coming year, and the launch of The Riverbank Witch. I submitted my short story ‘The Dance of Love’ on the 26th December for an anthology, and was accepted. I uploaded another short story, ‘Lowri’s Forest’ to Book Funnel, to send out to volunteer readers, to decide whether to turn it into a novel, and the feedback was unanimous that I should.

Tribal Unity Wales dance classes began in Lampeter and Aberystwyth on 7th January 2020, with new ladies, as well as regular dancers. My diary began filling up with annual dance gigs like Lampeter Food Festival and The Steampunk Extraordinarium in Blaenavon with The Wee Crafty Folk. I joined prayers at 7am on Friday 10th January, the full moon, praying for rain for Australia. I woke the following morning, dizzy and disorientated, and my heart racing. Fear, swamped me, according to my diary. I had a real feeling that something more than the fires was going to happen. I organised knitters to knit joey pouches, and liaised with those transporting to Australia, and delivered our boxes to Bridgend.

At the end of January, my story ‘Leap of Faith’ was published by Zimbell in their Time Guardians anthology, and the idea, to combine all my magical creating under one, and operate as The Riverbank Witch, was underway. At Tribal Unity Wales, we learned Bollywood choreographies with the fabulous Kritika, and I began a list of possible craft fairs/book fairs/ faery festivals/craft markets and pagan markets, where I could set up a stall as The Riverbank Witch.

Throughout February I knitted and danced, and wrote and planned. I was eloquent and alive, and living a useful, worthwhile, helpful life, supporting and inspiring, creating a safe space for women to dance and be, as well as writing fiction about strong, practical, resourceful, amazing women. Inspired by the countryside around me, the magic and the muse were flowing with ideas and words…..and then the world was halted………..and my life was cancelled.

Then began the painful months, begging banks and mortgage companies, and signing on for benefits for the first time in my life. How I found the words to speak, I don’t know, but I still have my roof over my head.

Online dancing was difficult from the start, living on a Welsh hillside with a pathetic WiFi signal, and many of my ladies don’t have space in their homes to set aside to dance uninterrupted. Cancelling events in my diary began, each loss like a stab in the heart. I didn’t celebrate the publishing of my short story ‘The Dead Game’, not when there was a killer disease on my door step, and people I knew were getting sick.

With my partner at home, there was no time or space to write even if the words had been there. But instead of the usual ideas that had pervaded my head for so many years, magical fiction, linked closely with the Earth, now I was grieving for her, ripped apart by forest fires and devastated by acres and acres of cattle and pig farms, spewing pollutants into the earth, rivers and atmosphere.

We worked outside when the weather allowed, creating new vegetable beds and an area on the riverbank for fruit, anything to keep our minds and bodies active; anything we could do that cost next to nothing.

Not being able to go to the beach was almost as unbearable as not being able to see my sons. My riverbank was my solace, but I yearned for the sounds and smells of the ocean, embracing me and enhancing my magic and my life. I focussed on expanding my knitted, cotton range for The Riverbank Witch, determined to make a small difference, encouraging people to ditch throwaway wipes in favour of more sustainable options. I picked up my WIP, the sixth and final book in the Lizzie Martin Series, The Real Witch, and began to read it through with a view to write on, but my head was full of forest fires, rising hospital admissions and death rates.

In the middle of the summer last year, my partner secured a job that could be done socially distanced, but would take four weeks of long days and nights. On a whim, I abandoned The Real Witch, and began writing a new novel, out of my short story ‘Lowri’s Forest’. It’s a post apocalyptic kind of book. I wrote the first half, just over 50k words. They flowed out of me with ease. I allowed Lowri to feel some of my pain, as well as hers, and together we reached the half way point in the novel. I stopped. My partner had no more work and I had no words. Why? Because in order to complete the book, I needed a sense of hope.

It is the 1st March 2021, St David’s Day in Wales, and a bright but cold day, here on my Welsh hillside. The birds join me now on my early morning walk, and beneath my feet, the earth is warming up to spring. After the blessings of the full moon on Saturday, I’ve chakra bracelets to make for Artemis Soul Sanctuary in Monmouth, and seeds to plant to begin my vegetable growing this year. The Riverbank Witch has already launched a new product, our Twisted Headband, updated our Fresh Face bundle with extra face pads, and I’ve done the product testing on a new creation, launching on 21st March.

I haven’t seen my boys for over a year, but I am hopeful.

My depression takes my spoken words from me. I turn inward, protecting myself, keeping silent, knowing that one rebuke will be one too many to bear.

My fear takes my written words. The natural world, that has ruled my life since I was a small child talking to the moon with my toy rabbit, is hurting, because humanity takes with no thought of giving back. Fires, melting ice sheets, rising sea levels and tsunamis, are Nature’s way of fighting back, seeking to rectify the imbalance we cause Her. But I don’t fear for Her. No, I’m afraid that humans won’t listen until it’s too late. The devastation caused by animal agriculture has been known for decades, as has the possibility that an animal virus can and will spread to humans if given the right circumstances, yet the appalling, barbaric conditions animals are reared in, continues. The world is talking about coronavirus, but I’ve heard nothing from any government about urgent meetings to discuss animal agriculture practices or help or subsidies for farmers to diversify, away from animals and into crops. There is no talk of a different, new, sustainable future, but instead, it’s all about getting back to ‘normal’.

‘Normal’ is putting power, politics and profit first. Isn’t it time to put people, parity and the planet first?

I cannot change the world on my own, but I need to be true to myself. As The Riverbank Witch, I stand up for sustainablity, recycling and working with the planet, rather than against her. Every day, I am mindful to do my best in this regard, and encourage others to do the same. The vaccine has given the world hope, and we must not abuse this wonderful blessing, but use it as a platform to create a better world than the one pre lockdown.

And hope is rising in me. My partner is working next week. I’ll be ready and waiting for the words and ideas that flit around the universe, to land in my head so I can write again.

Thank you to my friend and sister, Sheena Cundy, for your love and support, encouraging me to share, even when I feel that I don’t have the words xx

Writing News


Apologies for being totally useless at getting my newsletter organised this year, where I’d be sharing with you all the news about my writing as it happens, but I seem to have started infinite plate spinning early on in the year, and am only just taking a few down so I can manage the rest.

It’s been brilliant having the first three books in the Lizzie Martin Witch Lit series to share! The Naked Witch has 25 reviews, the others, 9 and 10 respectively, and I’m hoping to double all those totals in 2020.

If you’re new to Witch Lit, I often get asked what it is, and why I decided to write it…

I believe the best description is borrowed from Chick Lit. Stories with a heroine-centred narrative focus on the trials and tribulations of their individual protagonists. These women live in a modern world, coping with work and home life. The books are peppered with a smattering of light heartedness and humour. All you have to do is substitute ‘witch’ for ‘chick’.

Witch Lit is contemporary, magical realism, where the magical and the mundane co-exist. The stories are gritty and believable while magic is sprinkled through the stories, offering the reader a new perspective on reality.

In response to why I write it, why wouldn’t I want to write about a woman who can hold down a full time job, single parent a fourteen year old daughter, raise money for the local children’s hospice and knock three coconuts off a shy…on a bad day? Why not write stories about passionate, earthy women, living real lives and embarking on wild, wonderful and outrageous adventures?

Characters with an underlying sense of their own spirituality are fascinating to read about and even more compelling to write about. Stories emerge from a different perspective but are set in the familiar world the reader inhabits.

Unlike Chick Lit, Witch Lit women do away with the sweet, sickly or fluffy. Their passion, determination and creativity shine through the stories, though none are averse to a well-rounded buttock or a chiselled jaw. Witch Lit isn’t anti-men but Witch Lit women’s lives don’t revolve wholly around their presence or absence.

The Witch Lit anthology came out this year too, a cornucopia of delightful stories, poems and essays, including my short story ‘The Butterfly Door’. All profits from this anthology go to Books for Africa.

This year I’ve completed the fourth book in the Lizzie Martin Witch Lit Series, The Eloquent Witch, and am on the verge of completing the fifth aswell, The Able Witch. Once book five is complete, I shall write book six and then publish all three books in close succession.

I’ve had two stories published by Zimbell House Publishing in their anthologies ‘Unleashing the Gods’ and ‘1969’

I wrote ‘The Crocodile Brooch’ for the steampunk story, and ‘Sister Moon’ for the story set in the sixties.

I’ve a short story ‘Charlotte’s Ghost’ in this year’s Ghostly Rites 2019, published by Plaisted Publishing House. These stories are scary!

I’m working on two new short stories at the moment, as well as finishing my novel, and I’ll keep you updated on their progress.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the catch up on my writing and publication progress. Do let me know if you’d like me to update you on other aspects of my writing, inspiration, writing process and characters. You can find all the books listed above on my Amazon Author page here https://www.amazon.co.uk/Wendy-Steele/e/B007VZ1P06

or for my friends across the pond https://www.amazon.com/Wendy-Steele/e/B007VZ1P06

Ghostly Rites is not yet linked to my page as it’s a new release, but you can find it here https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ghostly-Rites-2019-Plaisted-Publishing-ebook/dp/B07ZQV2Y4Q

or here https://www.amazon.com/Ghostly-Rites-2019-Plaisted-Publishing-ebook/dp/B07ZQV2Y4Q

Thank you for your patience. Happy reading! Bright blessings xx


Ghostly Rites Anthology 2019 – meet the author Marjorie Mallon


Ghostly Rites Anthology is here!


And for my friends across the pond…


Today, I’m welcoming Marjorie Mallon onto my blog to chat writing and to find out a little more about the author of dark and scary stories…

1 How do you write? Is everything plotted, planned to perfection? Do you ever change tack as you go along or always stick to a pre-made plan?

I don’t tend to plot much at all. Instead, I rely on my crazy imagination to create and form the story. The only problem with this approach is a fair amount of editing is required.

But it’s exciting though! I love allowing my characters to tell the story for me.

2 Do you have a writing ritual? Meditation, certain cup for your tea, writing trousers?

Not really, but, I sometimes get ideas when I’m out walking.  For instance, on my usual route to work I’ll notice an unusual passersby with a striking aspect to their personality, or a distinctive dress sense that catches my eye. Also, I might wake up with a Eureka moment, when I know instinctively what to write. When that happens it is very exciting!

3 Aside from writing, what makes you tick? Tell us 5 things about yourself we probably don’t know.

  • I’m fascinated by the Zodiac and Chinese Zodiac, crystals, myths and magic.
  • I love trees, (I believe they have a wonderful magical energy,) and my favourite flower is an orchid. I write about various topics: crystals, magic, the wonder of trees and nature, the paranormal, on our collaborative blog The Sisters of The Fey: To find out more follow the link: https://sistersofthefey.com/
  • I have qualifications in Reflexology/Aromatherapy but now devote all my spare time to blogging and writing. But, alternative therapies continue to intrigue me – I collect crystals and write stories infused with crystal magic.
  • My father is a Scotsman with a heart that longs to travel and my mother is a Malaysian lady who’s grown to love Scotland! Due to my mixed heritage I grew up with a very varied diet and open cultural outlook.
  • I like chilled out activities such as tai chi and yoga but recently I’ve been going to the gym to try to tone up!

Fascinating insights, thanks so much for sharing.

4 If you were stranded on a desert island with shelter, food and water, what 5 items would you want with you?

  • Lots of crystals
  • My favourite lipstick
  • Jewellery, I can’t be without my special pieces, especially my earrings and crystal bracelets.
  • Pen and paper, notebooks, or means to write or doodle.
  • A fire to keep me warm – I hate to be cold and a book to read, see no. 5 below!

 5 On said island, what 5 books would you take and why?

My favourite fantasy author: Jay Kristoff, The Nevernight Chronicles. Crime:  Any of Clare Macintosh’s novels, Something heart-warming: The Italian Chapel by Philip Paris. This one I loved: The Book Thief by Markus Zuzak. I’d have to bring my own debut book. I’ve only written one – The Curse of Time Book 1 Bloodstone and it is very dear to me!

Of course you should take your own book! Great choices!

 6 Off the island now, which famous person would you like to have dinner with?

 Oh, probably a musician – in spirit or alive… so David Bowie, Prince, Jon Bon Jovi, or Joe Bonamassa. ­

 7 Your current writing projects?

I’m currently working on Book Two in my YA fantasy/paranormal series: The Curse of Time Book 2 Golden Healer. I hope to be published in several anthologies this year:  Ghostly Writes 2019 (Plaisted Publishing House,) and also Nightmareland (a horror anthology,) via best-selling author Dan Alatorre.

8 Share with us your published work and links to where we can find you…

Amazon author page https://www.amazon.co.uk/M-J-Mallon/e/B074CGNK4L


The Curse of Time Book 1 Bloodstone.

Lovely chatting to you, Marje! Don’t forget, Ghostly Rites Anthology 2019 is out now! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ghostly-Rites-2019-Plaisted-Publishing-ebook/dp/B07ZQV2Y4Q



Ghostly Rites Anthology 2019 – meet the author Lynn Mullican


The Ghostly Rites Anthology 2019 (and the name has changed!) is almost here! I’ve invited one of the authors, Lynn Mullican, to share a little of her writing life and inspiration on my blog, and I’m looking forward to finding out how another writer writes! Welcome Lynn…

1 How do you write? Is everything plotted, planned to perfection? Do you ever change tack as you go along or always stick to a pre-made plan?

I do not outline my stories. I have a plot and story line but as my story progresses, my characters tell me and show me what they are going to say and do. I do, however, have a set ending for every story, otherwise, my story would just continue to grow.

Other writers often ask, are you a planner or a panster, so it’s great to meet another author who is half and half!

2 Do you have a writing ritual? Meditation, certain cup for your tea, writing trousers?

I usually start out with a cup of coffee in my skull mug. I keep my office fairly dim when I write, that way I can create a slightly darker atmosphere, since my most of my writing is on the darker side.

3 Aside from writing, what makes you tick? Tell us 5 things about yourself we probably don’t know.

Hmm, I’m a bit OCD, nothing to the extreme but there are a few things I’m particular about, double checking locks on doors, putting my remote controls together in a particular way, and I’m sure there’s more. 😉 My due date was on October 31st, Halloween but I was born two days later on the Day of the Dead, November 2nd. My day job and my writing are both a bit on the darker side. I have to research and investigate fatalities. I enjoy archery and the outdoors. I studied martial arts with my family. I was studying for my brown belt in Kenpo when I had to step out of it due to a couple of reasons, primarily because of a knee injury I sustained several years prior. I was born with a disability and had to wear braces on my legs because of it.

I wonder how much your birth date has influenced your writing? Fascinating stuff. Gutting you’ve had to give up martial arts but archery, especially outdoors, sounds like fun!

4 If you were stranded on a desert island with shelter, food and water, what 5 items would you want with you?

My bow and arrows, pen and paper, and a boat. 😉

5 On said island, what 5 books would you take and why?

  1. The Green Mile by Stephen King, as a reminder that even through the difficult times, you can always find a friend, even if it is a mouse.
  2. Boys Life by Robert McCammon because it’s always good to remember where you came from and to persevere.
  3. Edgar Allan Poe’s Complete Collection because I don’t think I read the entire book. Plus, there are some great stories in there.
  4. The Sleeping Beauty Trilogy by Anne Rice because I haven’t read the series and I was told they are good books.
  5. Lightning by Dean Koontz. I’ve read this book three times and it will continue to be a favorite of mine.

Interesting choices. Thanks, Lynn.

 6 Off the island now, which famous person would you like to have dinner with?­

 Anthony Hopkins

Fabulous actor, and I bet he has great tales to tell about Hollywood and the stars.

 7 Your current writing projects?

I’m currently working on many projects, one of which I feel is way overdue, my novel The Shadow of Evil. I’m also working on the fourth book in the Bad Elements series, Rise of the Underground. I have also started a spinoff of the Bad Elements series, Immortal Blessings.

 I have several short stories in the works, The Awakening III, Raven’s Hill III, and a few others.

Wow! You are a busy lady!

 8 Feel free to share with us your published work and links, so we can find them…


My short story, Where the Streets Have No Name, will be coming out in the Ghostly Rites 2019 Anthology. I also have two more short stories, From the Pen to the Grave and From the Dance to the Grave, which will be coming out soon. These two short stories will only be available in E-Book format.

Some of my other books include; the Bad Elements series, Crystal Dragon, Blood for Blood, and The Hybrid Unleashed.

My short stories series include; Raven’s Hill and Raven’s Hill’s: The Ritual, The Awakening, and The Awakening II: Nexus. My Raven’s Hill stories can also be found in The Ghostly Writes Valentine’s Anthology 2017 and the Ghostly Writes 2017 Anthology.

 Other short stories include; Sacrificial Blood and Zero Sixx.













Thank you so much, Lynn for joining me on the blog. It’s really lovely to meet you.

Don’t forget, the Ghostly Rites Anthology is nearly here! Look out for more blog posts in the next few days!

Here’s the first link to the anthology https://books2read.com/b/mv2Vvz?fbclid=IwAR26KQhAcEmRWTNWSzJ-Bz9dLYGf2KwNxYKj9g2H9fRxIMnbMXrY3NRYRZc


Author Interview – Karen J Mossman – Ghostly Writes Anthology 2019


There are a whole host of authors in the Ghostly Writes Anthology 2019, available to download from 31st October! Today, I welcome Karen Mossman onto my blog, to have a chat and find out more about her and her writing. We met on the Ghostly Writes Anthology group, so all I know is that she lives in North Wales!

1 How do you write? Is everything plotted, planned to perfection? Do you ever change tack as you go along or always stick to a pre-made plan?

I tend to get an idea, then play around with it in my head for a while, which could be weeks sometimes. Once I have a sense of it, I’ll start writing. Sometimes I just write scenes and then put them all together at the end. So definitely not planned to perfection!

2 Do you have a writing ritual? Meditation, certain cup for your tea, writing trousers?

 No, absolutely nothing. As long as I have my lap top, I can let my fingers do the walking. Although on occasions I like to sit down with an empty page and just write and see what magic appears out of my pen.

I love a pen too!

 3 Aside from writing, what makes you tick? Tell us 5 things about yourself we probably don’t know.

  1. I love to craft, I go through craft like genres of writing. At the moment I am crocheting.
  2. I’ve started giving talks to clubs and groups, one about books and the other about growing up with parents who fostered.
  3. I lived all my life in a big city, and now I live in a rural area by the sea.
  4. I’m always on a diet, and if I’m not, I should be!
  5. I once ordered Sir Alex Ferguson out of a lift in anger, then realised who it was. He was very gracious. (Ex manager of Manchester United.)

 Great answers!

4 If you were stranded on a desert island with shelter, food and water, what 5 items would you want with you?

  1. My kindle with unlimited battery, or some books.
  2. A pen and paper.
  3. My dogs for company.
  4. A swimming costume
  5. Knickers!

5 On said island, what 5 books would you take and why?

Any books that I haven’t read before as I’m not a fan of re-reading a book unless it is acceptable. So I have at least five on my Kindle and they are:

  1. The Anglesey Murders: Visit from the Devil by Connor Jones.
  2. Just Rose by L. T. Marshall
  3. Silent Night by Sahara Foley
  4. Falling for Kate by J. M. Rally
  5. Unveiled by J. M. Northup


6 Off the island now, which famous person would you like to have dinner with?­

 I’ve never been a fan of meeting famous people. I would be far too intimiated and they would have better things to do than bother with the likes of me! So I would choose my mum and dad to have dinner with, simply because they have been gone for nine years now, and in that time questions have arisen that I will never have answers too.


7 Your current writing projects?

I have two on the go. I am rewriting my novel The Secret from first person point of view to third, as suggested by my publisher.

The other is called Crossing Serbia, it was a short story that I’m expanding into a novella. It is about a Tanya an aid worker during the time of the break up of Yugoslavia. While she is working with people trapped by war, she gets kidnapped by insurgents. A group of British soldiers are sent into rescue them and its about their journey across a war torn country. So, a politcal romance.


They both sound fascinating. Finishing up, please share with us your published work…

I have just entered my story to the halloween edition of Ghostly Writes, which is where I met you. In previous editions, I have entered stories I already have. This time I’ve used a story that I wrote some time ago but never did anything with after the first draft. It’s based on a true story, the haunting of a house where someone I know lives. I must say, I’m thrilled with how it turned out and can’t wait to see it in print.

I have four novels and nine novellas as well as stories in anthologies. They can all be seen on my website (https://karenmossman.weebly.com/)

 I’m also a lover of stories, so maintain the Magic of Stories website (https://magicofstories.net/) where I share my own stories and those of others, including many true stories. Apart from that, I review every book I read on Karen’s Book Buzz Blog.  (https://karensbookbuzz.wordpress.com/)

Thanks so much for joining me, Karen. You can also find Karen’s work on Amazon via her Author Page https://www.amazon.co.uk/Karen-J-Mossman/e/B00JJY69OO

and for our friends across the pond https://www.amazon.com/Karen-J-Mossman/e/B00JJY69OO

Don’t forget to look out for more author interviews, showcasing the talented authors contributing to the Ghostly Writes Anthology 2019!




Ghostly Writes Anthology 2019 – Coming soon!


I love a short story anthology, don’t you? It’s like a box of assorted chocolates –  if you don’t look at the menu card, you can be surprised and delighted by what you find inside.

The Ghostly Writes Anthology 2019 by Plaisted Publishing House, will feature a host of fabulous authors, each sharing a very special ghost story with you.

This year, my story is called ‘Charlotte’s Ghost’. Here’s the blurb for your delectation and delight….

It’s the summer of 1850. Newly widowed Aunt Winifred and her daughters, move into the Johnson country house, threatening to ruin Charlotte’s happy life with her parents. When her loathsome, tale telling cousins insist on being included, Charlotte uses the opportunity to restore Lady Mary’s missing jewels and preserve the secret of her personal ghost forever.

The awesome Eve Merrick-Williams also has a story in this year’s anthology. ‘Perchance to Dream’

There’s ‘Primrose Point’ by Mara Reitsma and ‘The Lighthouse’ by Michael Lynes

Publication day is Wednesday 31st October so look out for the promotions! I’ll be sure to post nearer the date with more teasers and links to where you can download your copy.


Life Begins at Fifty – Healthy Life #15 – Everything is changing


Finding the perfect, balanced vegan diet for my body is taking time, but I’m enjoying the challenge. Abandoning calorie restriction was the best move I made, as I’m loving eating bowls of plant based whole foods and feeling full and energised…and I’ve lost another two pounds.

Due to my daughter asking to come and live with us in June this year, everything has changed, and that’s one reason I’ve not been posting as much. I’ve taken my books to book fairs…

But there’s been little time for writing as I’ve been lime mortaring and painting to get a room ready for my daughter.

My eldest son married this year too, so it’s been a summer of family love.

The biggest change is the best one, and I’m going to shout about it….I’VE MORE ENERGY THAN I’VE EVER HAD! Eating a whole food plant based diet keeps me fuller for longer and nourishes my body so well. I’ve enjoyed my dance so much this year too, now I bend in the middle again! I’m not the same shape as I was, that’s definitely changed, but I don’t care…I can fit in my jeans and I feel well and healthy.

My lack of novel writing made me sad and angsty for a while, so I started writing short stories again and had a few published…

Witch Lit: Words from the Cauldron was produced by myself and the rest of the Witch Lit Admin team, Laura Perry, Sheena Cundy and Ruth Aitken. All proceeds go to Books for Africa https://www.amazon.co.uk/Witch-Lit-Witches-Who-Write-ebook/dp/B07SCVXR88

Zimbell House publishing brought out 1969, and my story is the first one in it. https://www.amazon.co.uk/1969-Zimbell-House-Anthology-Publishing-ebook/dp/B07S2L2HQX

But as the Wheel turns, making its way into autumn, I’m back writing ‘The Able Witch’, the fifth book in the Lizzie Martin series. Once its finished, I’ll continue with the final book, before publishing four, five and six for your enjoyment. You can start the series here https://www.amazon.co.uk/Naked-Witch-Wendy-Novel-Book-ebook/dp/B06W5D6GVV

or here for my friends across the pond https://www.amazon.com/Naked-Witch-Wendy-Novel-Book-ebook/dp/B06W5D6GVV

Don’t forget, you can listen to me reading you stories on my Welsh riverbank at Phoenix and the Dragon on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw3ee9CuNdek9ZC1Im8I_iA?view_as=subscriber

Plus I’m talking books and everything magical on the Witch Lit Podcast, as well as interviewing other magical writers https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHtAJO5uh6c9TSai1lhwF7g

I’ve continued my daily walks and using Dr Gregor’s Daily Dozen App, but I don’t worry too much about my activity levels anymore. I know that if I eat whole food plant based, and take my B12 supplement, I’m taking in all the nutrition and goodness my body needs. If I want a berry, banana and spinach smoothie, I’ll have one! I drink two or three mugs of hibiscus tea daily, which I love, boosting my antioxidants and keeping the colds away. I dance a minimum of six hours a week, not including performances, and I’ve been barrowing, chopping wood, fixing barns and moving stuff outside….

So I won’t be joining the gym anytime soon!

Apologies for my lack of posting, but I’m starting to create a new routine out of all these changes, and I’ll be back soon trying out new recipes and sharing useful and informative posts and videos to inspire you to eat well, nourish your body and live your life to the full. Bright blessings xx




Ghostly Writes Anthology – now open to submissions!


If you enjoy a good read, read on!

Reading anthologies is a fabulous way to find new authors, whose writing style you enjoy. I’ve contributed two so far, to Plaisted Publishing House, and they are now open to submissions for their new Ghostly Writes Anthology. Visit the group for details https://www.facebook.com/groups/GhostlyWritesAnthology/

The group is friendly, helpful and supportive, and everyone’s story gets a teaser to boost the anthology before it’s published.

This was my one from last year, when I wrote a steampunk ghost story. You can download your copy here for FREE https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ghostly-Anthology-Plaisted-Publishing-Presents-ebook/dp/B07JMHWMZN

or for my friends across the pond https://www.amazon.com/Ghostly-Anthology-Plaisted-Publishing-Presents-ebook/dp/B07JMHWMZN


I’d better get writing and get my new story finished! Be sure to look out for the new Ghostly Writes Anthology at the end of October 2019!



Changing my routine


I’m a creature of habit who loves a routine, but I don’t want to get stuck in a rut, especially if the routine is an ‘old story’ I’d do best to forget and write a new one.

With three weeks to go before I needed to go back to teaching dance four times a week, I wanted to re-establish the important routines in my life.

The first step was to get back into my daily walking routine. I hadn’t stopped walking each morning, first thing, but I’d been doing less steps then, and far less during the day, as my time was spent renovating. Now that’s done, I’ve created a new morning walk that is working towards clocking up 3.5k steps and 30 minutes of active exercise on my Fitbit.

I started with 2.5k and 20 minutes, which was fine as I’ve also got back to pulling brambles and nettles, and barrowing stones, so they clocked up extra active minutes, but by pushing over the 30 minutes in the morning, I’m guaranteeing myself the minimum every day, and setting myself up to achieve a minimum of 10k steps too.

My 5 minute arm workout is also back as a daily one, especially as I’m not dancing as much at the moment. I was thrilled with how toned my arms looked in my sleeveless dress at my son’s wedding, and I want to keep them that way for as long as possible!

Having used Dr Gregor’s Daily Dozen App for over a six months, I’ve been able to keep my diet pretty balanced, and get the nutrients I’ve needed, but I have been eating a little more than I’ve needed. Vegan Magnum ice lollies are delicious, but don’t count as a whole food, unfortunately, so they, and a tendency to eat dates by the handful, need to be kept under control. I’m keen to return to eating until I’m full and then stopping, as the healthiest way to eat on a whole food plant based diet.

I’ve committed myself to more magic on my river bank than I have been this year so far. At the last full moon, I set off a powerful healing spell for a friend, that was added to and boosted by other magical creatives, and I’m happy to say our friend is a lot better.

But I’ve struggled to get back into a writing routine. I’m used to days, or big chunks of days, where my partner is at work and I can write. Even with a few hours to myself, I’m not writing, so I decided to hold myself to account. I have to write for ten minutes every day. It doesn’t matter what it is, but I have to sit and write for a minimum of ten minutes.

I’ve six short pieces so far (more by the time you read this!), some of which could be longer stories, or even novels.

Visit again for Holding myself to account, and a chance to have your say as to how I should expand my writing.


Words from the Cauldron released today! Happy Summer Solstice!


Today is the publication day for the Witch Lit anthology, Words from the Cauldron, a fabulous book of short stories, essays and poems by twenty three Witches Who Write.

Witch Lit is a new, exciting genre, showcasing creative writing of all kinds, by witches. Magic is part of who we are, and emerges in song and story, poem and essay, as Witch Lit.

This anthology is a great way to explore a writer’s style, and for just 99p or $1.24, and with all proceeds going to Books for Africa, you’ve nothing to lose by downloading this magical book.

Summer solstice blessings and enjoy a magical weekend.

