Meet the Author – Zoe Murphy


It’s been a while since I chatted to an author on my blog, but Zoe has released her first novel, The Ash Rose, so I was certain you’d love to meet her. I met her at the Llandysul Book Fair two years ago, reading her poetry, and she’s an active member of our Witch Lit group on Facebook. She contributed to our Witch Lit Anthology, in aid of Books for Africa. She’s one of the cleverest (and busiest!) women I know, and her passion and love for her craft and her writing is truly inspiring. Let’s find out more about her…

First question, how do you write? Is everything plotted, planned to perfection? Do you ever change tack as you go along or always stick to a pre-made plan?

I have always been a complete Pantser and expect creative inspiration to just arrive sometimes! However I’ve discovered that writing is a graft, a hustle and a job in itself. While I’m not willing to completely relinquish my Pantser status, I have altered my writing methods significantly. For the next book in my series, I have plotted from beginning to end. It’s not a hugely detailed plot plan but it’s a definite structured guideline and I think it’ll mean less tidying up for me in the editing process.

You’ll have to let us know how planning more worked out, Zoe.

So, do you have a writing ritual? Meditation, certain cup for your tea, writing trousers?

I love to light candles and have my headphones on with my writing playlist playing through the headset. Music is a huge part of my life and my writing. It just provides a drive and an atmosphere for me.

Headphones are a great help to focus the mind, aren’t they? You’ll have to share your writing playlist sometime.

Aside from writing, what makes you tick? Tell us 5 things about yourself we probably don’t know.

I’ve worked in the community arena for over six years now and I’m very passionate about community-based work, coproduction and trying to do what I can for marginalised groups.

I was a street dance teacher and judge for seventeen years!

I absolutely love dogs- or hounds as I like to call my dog because she is a hound actually haha. She’s a Rhodesian Ridgeback. They are my favourite dog ever. We’ve always had them in the family. If I had a familiar, it would be a dog.

I have twenty-one cousins on my maternal side. Hence the reason I can talk quite loudly sometimes…

I am also a performance poet. I’m in love with spoken word.

Yay! another dancer!

Another question, if you were stranded on a desert island with shelter, food and water, what 5 items would you want with you?

Pen, paper, mascara, lipstick and a comfy chair.

Sounds perfect to me.

On said island, what 5 books would you take and why?

 Oooo, this is hard.

I know!

Memoirs of a Geisha- just the detail, the plot, the characters. It’s a beautiful book.

The Throne of Glass Series- The world building and the witches in these books are incredible.

Superb choices:-)

Off the island now, which famous person would you like to have dinner with?­

 Kathy Burke. One of my favourite actresses.

Now it’s time to tell us about your current writing projects, if you can…

The second in my Lleng Saith series is what I’m working on right now. Working title is Drum of Zorya or Dark Fire Drum. I can’t decide. I also have plans to start writing a supernatural PI series. These will be novellas.

Looking forward to following you and your work, Zoe, and thanks so much for joining me. Where can people find you and your work?

I’ve a new website

My books are available on Amazon, via my author page


The Ash Rose

Our Art Beats

No Apologie Anfologie

Ley Lines

You can find me on my writers Facebook page

Or on my crafts page

About to share this interview with you all, Sheena and I had a cancellation on our Witch Lit Podcast on Youtube, so I contacted Zoe and she kindly agreed to talk to us. Here’s Zoe Murphy in person. Enjoy!





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