Tag Archives: magical

Where did all the words go?

Where did all the words go?

After celebrating the Winter Solstice with all my children on 21st December 2019, I turned my attention to the coming year, and the launch of The Riverbank Witch. I submitted my short story ‘The Dance of Love’ on the 26th December for an anthology, and was accepted. I uploaded another short story, ‘Lowri’s Forest’ to Book Funnel, to send out to volunteer readers, to decide whether to turn it into a novel, and the feedback was unanimous that I should.

Tribal Unity Wales dance classes began in Lampeter and Aberystwyth on 7th January 2020, with new ladies, as well as regular dancers. My diary began filling up with annual dance gigs like Lampeter Food Festival and The Steampunk Extraordinarium in Blaenavon with The Wee Crafty Folk. I joined prayers at 7am on Friday 10th January, the full moon, praying for rain for Australia. I woke the following morning, dizzy and disorientated, and my heart racing. Fear, swamped me, according to my diary. I had a real feeling that something more than the fires was going to happen. I organised knitters to knit joey pouches, and liaised with those transporting to Australia, and delivered our boxes to Bridgend.

At the end of January, my story ‘Leap of Faith’ was published by Zimbell in their Time Guardians anthology, and the idea, to combine all my magical creating under one, and operate as The Riverbank Witch, was underway. At Tribal Unity Wales, we learned Bollywood choreographies with the fabulous Kritika, and I began a list of possible craft fairs/book fairs/ faery festivals/craft markets and pagan markets, where I could set up a stall as The Riverbank Witch.

Throughout February I knitted and danced, and wrote and planned. I was eloquent and alive, and living a useful, worthwhile, helpful life, supporting and inspiring, creating a safe space for women to dance and be, as well as writing fiction about strong, practical, resourceful, amazing women. Inspired by the countryside around me, the magic and the muse were flowing with ideas and words…..and then the world was halted………..and my life was cancelled.

Then began the painful months, begging banks and mortgage companies, and signing on for benefits for the first time in my life. How I found the words to speak, I don’t know, but I still have my roof over my head.

Online dancing was difficult from the start, living on a Welsh hillside with a pathetic WiFi signal, and many of my ladies don’t have space in their homes to set aside to dance uninterrupted. Cancelling events in my diary began, each loss like a stab in the heart. I didn’t celebrate the publishing of my short story ‘The Dead Game’, not when there was a killer disease on my door step, and people I knew were getting sick.

With my partner at home, there was no time or space to write even if the words had been there. But instead of the usual ideas that had pervaded my head for so many years, magical fiction, linked closely with the Earth, now I was grieving for her, ripped apart by forest fires and devastated by acres and acres of cattle and pig farms, spewing pollutants into the earth, rivers and atmosphere.

We worked outside when the weather allowed, creating new vegetable beds and an area on the riverbank for fruit, anything to keep our minds and bodies active; anything we could do that cost next to nothing.

Not being able to go to the beach was almost as unbearable as not being able to see my sons. My riverbank was my solace, but I yearned for the sounds and smells of the ocean, embracing me and enhancing my magic and my life. I focussed on expanding my knitted, cotton range for The Riverbank Witch, determined to make a small difference, encouraging people to ditch throwaway wipes in favour of more sustainable options. I picked up my WIP, the sixth and final book in the Lizzie Martin Series, The Real Witch, and began to read it through with a view to write on, but my head was full of forest fires, rising hospital admissions and death rates.

In the middle of the summer last year, my partner secured a job that could be done socially distanced, but would take four weeks of long days and nights. On a whim, I abandoned The Real Witch, and began writing a new novel, out of my short story ‘Lowri’s Forest’. It’s a post apocalyptic kind of book. I wrote the first half, just over 50k words. They flowed out of me with ease. I allowed Lowri to feel some of my pain, as well as hers, and together we reached the half way point in the novel. I stopped. My partner had no more work and I had no words. Why? Because in order to complete the book, I needed a sense of hope.

It is the 1st March 2021, St David’s Day in Wales, and a bright but cold day, here on my Welsh hillside. The birds join me now on my early morning walk, and beneath my feet, the earth is warming up to spring. After the blessings of the full moon on Saturday, I’ve chakra bracelets to make for Artemis Soul Sanctuary in Monmouth, and seeds to plant to begin my vegetable growing this year. The Riverbank Witch has already launched a new product, our Twisted Headband, updated our Fresh Face bundle with extra face pads, and I’ve done the product testing on a new creation, launching on 21st March.

I haven’t seen my boys for over a year, but I am hopeful.

My depression takes my spoken words from me. I turn inward, protecting myself, keeping silent, knowing that one rebuke will be one too many to bear.

My fear takes my written words. The natural world, that has ruled my life since I was a small child talking to the moon with my toy rabbit, is hurting, because humanity takes with no thought of giving back. Fires, melting ice sheets, rising sea levels and tsunamis, are Nature’s way of fighting back, seeking to rectify the imbalance we cause Her. But I don’t fear for Her. No, I’m afraid that humans won’t listen until it’s too late. The devastation caused by animal agriculture has been known for decades, as has the possibility that an animal virus can and will spread to humans if given the right circumstances, yet the appalling, barbaric conditions animals are reared in, continues. The world is talking about coronavirus, but I’ve heard nothing from any government about urgent meetings to discuss animal agriculture practices or help or subsidies for farmers to diversify, away from animals and into crops. There is no talk of a different, new, sustainable future, but instead, it’s all about getting back to ‘normal’.

‘Normal’ is putting power, politics and profit first. Isn’t it time to put people, parity and the planet first?

I cannot change the world on my own, but I need to be true to myself. As The Riverbank Witch, I stand up for sustainablity, recycling and working with the planet, rather than against her. Every day, I am mindful to do my best in this regard, and encourage others to do the same. The vaccine has given the world hope, and we must not abuse this wonderful blessing, but use it as a platform to create a better world than the one pre lockdown.

And hope is rising in me. My partner is working next week. I’ll be ready and waiting for the words and ideas that flit around the universe, to land in my head so I can write again.

Thank you to my friend and sister, Sheena Cundy, for your love and support, encouraging me to share, even when I feel that I don’t have the words xx

Meet the Author – Zoe Murphy


It’s been a while since I chatted to an author on my blog, but Zoe has released her first novel, The Ash Rose, so I was certain you’d love to meet her. I met her at the Llandysul Book Fair two years ago, reading her poetry, and she’s an active member of our Witch Lit group on Facebook. She contributed to our Witch Lit Anthology, in aid of Books for Africa. She’s one of the cleverest (and busiest!) women I know, and her passion and love for her craft and her writing is truly inspiring. Let’s find out more about her…

First question, how do you write? Is everything plotted, planned to perfection? Do you ever change tack as you go along or always stick to a pre-made plan?

I have always been a complete Pantser and expect creative inspiration to just arrive sometimes! However I’ve discovered that writing is a graft, a hustle and a job in itself. While I’m not willing to completely relinquish my Pantser status, I have altered my writing methods significantly. For the next book in my series, I have plotted from beginning to end. It’s not a hugely detailed plot plan but it’s a definite structured guideline and I think it’ll mean less tidying up for me in the editing process.

You’ll have to let us know how planning more worked out, Zoe.

So, do you have a writing ritual? Meditation, certain cup for your tea, writing trousers?

I love to light candles and have my headphones on with my writing playlist playing through the headset. Music is a huge part of my life and my writing. It just provides a drive and an atmosphere for me.

Headphones are a great help to focus the mind, aren’t they? You’ll have to share your writing playlist sometime.

Aside from writing, what makes you tick? Tell us 5 things about yourself we probably don’t know.

I’ve worked in the community arena for over six years now and I’m very passionate about community-based work, coproduction and trying to do what I can for marginalised groups.

I was a street dance teacher and judge for seventeen years!

I absolutely love dogs- or hounds as I like to call my dog because she is a hound actually haha. She’s a Rhodesian Ridgeback. They are my favourite dog ever. We’ve always had them in the family. If I had a familiar, it would be a dog.

I have twenty-one cousins on my maternal side. Hence the reason I can talk quite loudly sometimes…

I am also a performance poet. I’m in love with spoken word.

Yay! another dancer!

Another question, if you were stranded on a desert island with shelter, food and water, what 5 items would you want with you?

Pen, paper, mascara, lipstick and a comfy chair.

Sounds perfect to me.

On said island, what 5 books would you take and why?

 Oooo, this is hard.

I know!

Memoirs of a Geisha- just the detail, the plot, the characters. It’s a beautiful book.

The Throne of Glass Series- The world building and the witches in these books are incredible.

Superb choices:-)

Off the island now, which famous person would you like to have dinner with?­

 Kathy Burke. One of my favourite actresses.

Now it’s time to tell us about your current writing projects, if you can…

The second in my Lleng Saith series is what I’m working on right now. Working title is Drum of Zorya or Dark Fire Drum. I can’t decide. I also have plans to start writing a supernatural PI series. These will be novellas.

Looking forward to following you and your work, Zoe, and thanks so much for joining me. Where can people find you and your work?

I’ve a new website http://www.thiswelshwitch.com

My books are available on Amazon, via my author page https://www.amazon.co.uk/Zoe-Murphy/e/B086ML4HMX

and https://www.amazon.com/Zoe-Murphy/e/B086ML4HMX

The Ash Rose

Our Art Beats

No Apologie Anfologie

Ley Lines

You can find me on my writers Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ZoeMAuthor/

Or on my crafts page https://www.facebook.com/thiswelshwitch/

About to share this interview with you all, Sheena and I had a cancellation on our Witch Lit Podcast on Youtube, so I contacted Zoe and she kindly agreed to talk to us. Here’s Zoe Murphy in person. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjggA8TOxNo&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1Gj9j5VhiYFcA0a7100iFbPktFhxIbkWq3BMIaewv3hBoMB-H_rUqJq10





The Naked Witch is on promo this week!


Since launching The Riverbank Witch, showcasing all my magical creating, I’ve met loads of lovely new people. We’ve chatted about knitting, growing fruit and veg, as well as their Craft and mine, so as a special ‘thank you’ to everyone who has supported me, I’m offering The Naked Witch to download today for just 99p or $1.24. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Naked-Witch-Wendy-Novel-Book-ebook/dp/B06W5D6GVV

and for my friends across the pond https://www.amazon.com/Naked-Witch-Wendy-Novel-Book-ebook/dp/B06W5D6GVV

The Naked Witch is the first book in the Lizzie Martin series, so for less than the price of a skinny latte, you can begin a magical journey with Lizzie and her friends. There are three books published in the series, books four and five, The Eloquent Witch and The Able Witch, are complete, but not yet published, and the final book, The Real Witch, is in creation. My writing is Witch Lit.

I often get asked, what is Witch Lit and why did you decide to write it?

I believe the best description is borrowed from Chick Lit. Stories with a heroine-centred narrative focus on the trials and tribulations of their individual protagonists. These women live in a modern world, coping with work and home life. The books are peppered with a smattering of light heartedness and humour. All you have to do is substitute ‘witch’ for ‘chick’.

Witch Lit is contemporary, magical realism, where the magical and the mundane co-exist. The stories are gritty and believable while magic is sprinkled through the stories, offering the reader a new perspective on reality.

In response to why I write it, why wouldn’t I want to write about a woman who can hold down a full time job, single parent a fourteen year old daughter, raise money for the local children’s hospice and knock three coconuts off a shy…on a bad day? Why not write stories about passionate, earthy women, living real lives and embarking on wild, wonderful and outrageous adventures?

Characters with an underlying sense of their own spirituality are fascinating to read about and even more compelling to write about. Stories emerge from a different perspective but are set in the familiar world the reader inhabits.

Unlike Chick Lit, Witch Lit women do away with the sweet, sickly or fluffy. Their passion, determination and creativity shine through the stories, though none are averse to a well-rounded buttock or a chiselled jaw. Witch Lit isn’t anti-men but Witch Lit women’s lives don’t revolve wholly around their presence or absence.

Download your copy today https://www.amazon.co.uk/Naked-Witch-Wendy-Novel-Book-ebook/dp/B06W5D6GVV/


Press the link to ‘The Riverbank Witch’ on this website, and visit the FB page http://www.facebook.com/theriverbankwitch

The Riverbank Witch is new to Instagram, so do come over and say ‘hello’. New moon blessings to you all xx



Words from the Cauldron released today! Happy Summer Solstice!


Today is the publication day for the Witch Lit anthology, Words from the Cauldron, a fabulous book of short stories, essays and poems by twenty three Witches Who Write.

Witch Lit is a new, exciting genre, showcasing creative writing of all kinds, by witches. Magic is part of who we are, and emerges in song and story, poem and essay, as Witch Lit.

This anthology is a great way to explore a writer’s style, and for just 99p or $1.24, and with all proceeds going to Books for Africa, you’ve nothing to lose by downloading this magical book.

Summer solstice blessings and enjoy a magical weekend.




Destiny of Angels is on promotion! Enjoy an extract for FREE!


Download Destiny of Angels today for just 99p/99c!

Here’s a FREE extract to give you a taste of this magical story…

Angel stood in the sphere of power, her golden amber shift to her toes and a simple circlet of pink flowers upon her head. With Lilith beside her she watched the Tree of Life, the witches Qabalah, hanging in the air before her.

            Shapes began to form within the Tree, triangles, diamonds and squares, each tipped by a Sephirah and linked by a numbered pathway. Angel saw the spheres of Netzach, Hod and Tiphareth gleaming from the Tree and she knew this to be the Magical Triangle and Chesod, Geburah and Tiphareth and she knew this to be the Ethical triangle. Out of these shapes, one began to glow and resonate the brightest of all, in the centre of the Tree, linking the pathways together, golden and majestic beamed Tiphareth and Angel knew this to be her destination.

            Thoth, the Dweller on the Threshold appeared as the Tree began to fade and she opened her mind for his scrutiny. Convinced of her intent, the lunar disk and crescent upon his head began to glow and he welcomed her onto the Path as the Doorkeeper, reassuring her of his duty to protect her.

            Angel stepped alone onto the silver thread before her, her sandals tracing pathways that she recognized. First, a pathway overhung with oak, beech and ash, a blue black world where she felt the sorrowing Isis and understood the pain of death but also the bliss and hope of resurrection. She walked on and shed the weighty blue of sorrow and replaced it with a world of violet and crystal where Levannah ruled. She opened her Treasurehouse of Visions for Angel to behold and Angel understood the link between the earth and the moon, the inspiration and the manifestation, the chaos and the calm. On she walked through a landscape of rushes and reeds, the air around her pulsing dark vivid blue and centaurs galloping beside her, laughing as the arrows they shot exploded into green and yellow sparks above her head. Angel understood the centaurs firing their Arrows of  Swiftness Willed Force and within the colours she could see the conscious and subconscious, the Force of life and the original spark that began it.

            The Angel Raphael, cloaked in green, welcomed her as she climbed the golden steps to the Temple and she entered through the portico to a majestic building lined with further pillars, where the breeze sang in harmonies within. Angel walked amongst the columns, studying the pictures and symbols engraved upon them while the fragrance of frankincense, cinnamon and Egyptian Kyphi filled her head. She saw plants and herbs; gorse, laurel, rosemary and twisting vines and a lion and a phoenix. On another pillar she saw the rosy cross while on another, cubes and hexagrams, grouped together in sixes.

            At the end of the Temple was a square table covered with a golden cloth upon which were six vibrant sunflowers in a vase and an incense burner. The wondrous smells expelled filled her senses and opened her mind. Behind the table, backed by a vast stained glass window was a high backed wooden chair. The light shone through the glass, bouncing warm honey around the Temple.

            A single flash of intense white light illuminated Angel and she saw the journey she had travelled so far. Ra, the Sun God, sat upon the throne, a man with the solar disk upon his head surrounded by the sacred asp. He, Ra, The Creator, Great Father, god of magic, prosperity, destiny and truth looked down upon his child and smiled upon her and with his golden smile, the Temple shone like a beacon, the central point of existence, the point of transmutation between the planes of Force and Form. The light from Ra, the intense pure yellow light, entered Angel’s head, not to see with by her physical eye but to illuminate the body of images she had stored from her mystical experiences and she learned from them. She saw in the face of Ra, the qualities of earned success, material success, victory and joy and she understood that sacrifice brought forth new life. As her mind opened up to the possibilities on this plane, she fell to her knees with the enormity of the knowledge and, in a blinding white flash, the Temple vanished and she was on her knees within her circle of protection, in the basement of her home once more.

Download Destiny of Angels today for just 99p/99c!


and for my friends across the pond https://www.amazon.com/Destiny-Angels-Lilith-Trilogy-Book-ebook/dp/B007OX5J8O



New story on Phoenix and the Dragon and links to more magic!


It’s been a while. I’m sorry. But I’m back telling stories on my Welsh riverbank, just for you.

Tune into the first part of The Waterfall now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFQE3M3O18k&t=45s

Tune in next week for the concluding part of the story.

Are you a magical reader or writer, or both? Have you heard of the Witch Lit podcast on YouTube? Subscribe to the channel for magical writing updates, ‘In the Broom Cupboard’, interviews, ‘Witchanory’ and more! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHtAJO5uh6c9TSai1lhwF7g

Looking for a magical read? Check out my author page for a selection of magical stories https://www.amazon.co.uk/Wendy-Steele/e/B007VZ1P06

and for my friends across the pond https://www.amazon.com/Wendy-Steele/e/B007VZ1P06

Enjoy ‘The Lilith Trilogy’, for high magic and pagan ritual.

Read ‘The Standing Stone Book Series’ where the countryside is the focus of three women’s magic, embracing the gods, goddesses, tree spirits, elves and fairies.

Immerse yourself in ‘The Lizzie Martin Series’, about a woman who embraces magic in her life, to aid her with the stresses of modern living.

Happy reading!


Coming Soon! The Witch Lit Anthology!


I’ve ‘met’ such a fabulous bunch of magical writers on the Witch Lit Facebook group, and four of us have worked together to produce an anthology of magical writing to be published at Beltane.

The wonderfully talented and creative Laura Perry edited this first edition. I interviewed her on the Witch Lit Podcast two weeks ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvwGxF6lQWA

Here’s the link to Laura’s original post, as she gives you a taste of what’s to come, and why we’re doing it. Enjoy!



If you are a magical writer, or enjoy reading magical fiction, non-fiction, poetry and prose, join our Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1055104057875422/





Meet the Author – D Hart St Martin


I haven’t done many interviews lately, but I’m excited about this one! May I introduce you to D Hart St Martin, a wonderful, magical writer from the US, who has kept me transfixed for many years with her Lisen of Solsta series. She’s also written a paranormal romance called ‘Soul Doubt’ which will keep you guessing until the very end.

Welcome Hart! Lovely to have you with us. Let’s start with an easy one…

How do you write? Is everything plotted, planned to perfection? Do you ever change tack as you go along or always stick to a pre-made plan?

I mostly pants my way through. I used to put every scene on 4 x 6 inch cards. That way I could play with them. But the more I write, the more I enjoy the challenge of letting it come as it comes. That is not to say that I don’t make notes. I make copious notes, and I’ve finally learned how to organize the “clutter” of them in a notebook (along with diagrams of various settings for individual scenes or chapters). My notebook is my little bible.

I love my notebooks! Do you have a writing ritual? Meditation, certain cup for your tea, writing trousers?

I get up in the morning, and after giving a nod to social media on my phone, I sit down at my kitchen table with my computer and attack the assignment for the day. I have my water and often an apple with me, and I work for a couple of hours. My cat, Calypso, often reminds me to pet her by rubbing against my leg and chirping at me. Of course, I must obey.

Our feline friends love to help, don’t they? So, aside from writing, what makes you tick? Tell us 5 things about yourself we probably don’t know.

I watch way too much television.

I’m a political junkie (one of the reasons I watch so much television).

I have a sister who’s a much better writer than I am.

I’m a tree hugger.

I’m a lousy housekeeper.

I’m going to add no 6, you’re always way too hard on yourself…and who needs housework? Too many better things to do, IMHO. Another question, if you were stranded on a desert island with shelter, food and water, what 5 items would you

want with you?

My computer, my cat (if one can dare to call her an “item”), a deck of cards since I’m assuming a cell phone would be out of the question, some way to listen to music (maybe I’d take that cell phone after all), and a way to charge the computer.

And on said island, what 5 books would you take and why?

The Lord of the Rings, Dune, the Harry Potter books (I’m counting series as one book), Octavia Butler’s two Earthseed books. And my own Lisen of Solsta series because I keep promising myself to pick it up and read it as a reader, not its creator.


Off the island now, which famous person would you like to have dinner with?­

J.K. Rowling. I’d love to ask her questions about how and when certain aspects of Harry Potter’s story became clear to her.


Tell us about your current writing projects?

I am in the middle of rewrite of book 1 in a new YA fantasy series. The book is called Into the Forsaken Forest. Fifteen-year-old Mari Spencer (her name rhymes with “sorry” and she’s an apology in motion) lives in a rural town in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Her mother is a first-class narcissist who can see no good in Mari. One day Mari sneaks into a mysterious forest of sequoias where she meets a woman who transports her to a different world. I’m exploring my own psyche in this one, giving Mari both my attributes and my flaws as honestly as I can. It’s a huge risk, but if I succeed in resolving some of her issues, I’ll be satisfied.

Sounds exciting, you must keep us posted as it develops. Tell us about your books and where we can find you and them.

 My web site is a good place to start. https://dhartstmartin.com  Links to all my books on Amazon as well as descriptions of them are there.

To learn about my Lisen of Solsta series of 6 books, go to https://dhartstmartin.com/lisen-of-solsta/

I also have a paranormal romance called Soul Doubt which you can discover here https://dhartstmartin.com/soul-doubt/

Thanks so much, Hart. I look forward to reading more of our books very soon.


The magic of writing, dancing and healing – International Women’s Day 8th March 2019


I am author, wise woman and goddess. I write, I dance, I teach, I heal, I inspire.

In March last year I published my first Witchlit novel, The Naked Witch, contemporary fiction, magical realism, where the magical and the mundane co-exist. Since then, I’ve published two more, The Orphan Witch and The Flowerpot Witch, gritty and believable stories with magic sprinkled through them, offering the reader a new perspective on reality. There are layers to my novels, making them enjoyable to all readers, hopefully teaching and inspiring too, dispelling the myths about modern day witches.

I discovered belly dance at the age of forty, having been told I was a fairy elephant and too fat to dance as a child. Fifteen years on, I’ve been teaching for eleven years, encouraging women to shake off their inhibitions and dance for themselves. I learned Egyptian belly dance first and taught that, before being bitten by the tribal bug, and completing my training in American Tribal Style® Belly dance. I began Tribal Unity Wales in March 2014. We take our dance into the community, not to perform but to share, offering other women the opportunity and the freedom to dance irrespective of age, size, shape or ability.

I’m reiki and aromatherapy massage trained, so mixed with my latest facilitator training in Kate Holland’s Awakened Bellydance ™, and my magical practice, I heal in my classes and workshops and through my writing.

I’m a riverbank witch, a hedge witch, living my life with the Wheel of the Year, honouring the Sabbats and loving and respecting all that lives on our amazing planet.

Embracing my crone phase, I am wise woman, not necessarily right, but reflective and contemplative where once I jumped in feet first. Looking back, I learn from my mistakes, let go of old stories and embrace new beginnings and exciting ideas.


The goddess is in me and in every woman. She is the tiny voice that tells you how beautiful and perfect you are. Trust in her helps us remember, because we all know, but it is just that this reality encourages us to forget who we are and where we came from. Hers is the voice that has inspired women to stand up for equality, for equal pay and equal rights, throughout history. The more we trust in her, and ourselves, the possibilities are infinite. Listen. She is here.






How much did my Cat really need Saving?


For regular viewers of my blog, you’ll remember my post singing the praises of the author help book ‘Save the Cat’. You can view the post here https://wendysteele.com/2018/11/19/are-you-ready-to-save-the-cat/

It’s a great little book of ‘beats’ to help you create a great score to hang your story words on, but how much did I really need this book? How much did I already know? How big a part should a book like this play when creating a novel?

Having already written the first draft of The Eloquent Witch, I applied the beats to it, and though some of the points weren’t in the exact order, I was there or there abouts, so the manuscript needed a good edit and tighten up…but I would have done this before publishing any way.

I’ve started the fifth book in the Lizzie Martin series, The Able Witch, twice now, using the Save the Cat beat sheet, and though the story is moving on, finally, and I can feel the magic happening in some of the scenes, I’ve not been feeling the joy. I put the book aside for a few weeks, and returned to it last week, as I had a break from teaching.

On the first day, I gave myself free rein to pick up the story and run…and I loved it! The next day I read through what I’d written, and started to get concerned I’d veered away from the sheet. I spent the day attempting to write my way back…it wasn’t a good writing day.

Day three, I spent a good few hours distracting myself with outdoor jobs (it was sunny!), digging and barrowing wood, even washing up, rather than picking up my WIP. When I did, the writing was forced.

Day four, I deleted what I’d written the day before and allowed myself to be caught up in domesticity.

Day five, Friday, I realised the problem…my characters and the story wanted to be written one way, while the beat sheet wanted me to write a different way. I was writing to fitting in what I needed to meet the requirements of the beat sheet, rather than how the characters wanted to run with the story. The struggle became a battle because I didn’t trust my own ability enough. I spent the weekend arguing with myself about it.

On Monday, I picked up my WIP, read the last chapter I’d written, made a few changes and wrote on with my hand written notes beside me. I’m not giving up on Save the Cat, but sticking to a pre-planned beat sheet of the whole book isn’t suiting me at all.

Sadly, my schedule this week isn’t going to leave much room for writing as I’m launching a new evening dance class in Aberystwyth on Thursday, as well as Tuesday and Wednesday lessons, and it’s Women’s International Day on Friday, but once I’ve established a new routine, I’ll let you know how the writing is going.

There’s no doubt Save the Cat has taught me a lot, but I’m beginning to see that my story writing/story telling, is as important as the structure.