Tag Archives: The Orphan Witch

Writing News


Apologies for being totally useless at getting my newsletter organised this year, where I’d be sharing with you all the news about my writing as it happens, but I seem to have started infinite plate spinning early on in the year, and am only just taking a few down so I can manage the rest.

It’s been brilliant having the first three books in the Lizzie Martin Witch Lit series to share! The Naked Witch has 25 reviews, the others, 9 and 10 respectively, and I’m hoping to double all those totals in 2020.

If you’re new to Witch Lit, I often get asked what it is, and why I decided to write it…

I believe the best description is borrowed from Chick Lit. Stories with a heroine-centred narrative focus on the trials and tribulations of their individual protagonists. These women live in a modern world, coping with work and home life. The books are peppered with a smattering of light heartedness and humour. All you have to do is substitute ‘witch’ for ‘chick’.

Witch Lit is contemporary, magical realism, where the magical and the mundane co-exist. The stories are gritty and believable while magic is sprinkled through the stories, offering the reader a new perspective on reality.

In response to why I write it, why wouldn’t I want to write about a woman who can hold down a full time job, single parent a fourteen year old daughter, raise money for the local children’s hospice and knock three coconuts off a shy…on a bad day? Why not write stories about passionate, earthy women, living real lives and embarking on wild, wonderful and outrageous adventures?

Characters with an underlying sense of their own spirituality are fascinating to read about and even more compelling to write about. Stories emerge from a different perspective but are set in the familiar world the reader inhabits.

Unlike Chick Lit, Witch Lit women do away with the sweet, sickly or fluffy. Their passion, determination and creativity shine through the stories, though none are averse to a well-rounded buttock or a chiselled jaw. Witch Lit isn’t anti-men but Witch Lit women’s lives don’t revolve wholly around their presence or absence.

The Witch Lit anthology came out this year too, a cornucopia of delightful stories, poems and essays, including my short story ‘The Butterfly Door’. All profits from this anthology go to Books for Africa.

This year I’ve completed the fourth book in the Lizzie Martin Witch Lit Series, The Eloquent Witch, and am on the verge of completing the fifth aswell, The Able Witch. Once book five is complete, I shall write book six and then publish all three books in close succession.

I’ve had two stories published by Zimbell House Publishing in their anthologies ‘Unleashing the Gods’ and ‘1969’

I wrote ‘The Crocodile Brooch’ for the steampunk story, and ‘Sister Moon’ for the story set in the sixties.

I’ve a short story ‘Charlotte’s Ghost’ in this year’s Ghostly Rites 2019, published by Plaisted Publishing House. These stories are scary!

I’m working on two new short stories at the moment, as well as finishing my novel, and I’ll keep you updated on their progress.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the catch up on my writing and publication progress. Do let me know if you’d like me to update you on other aspects of my writing, inspiration, writing process and characters. You can find all the books listed above on my Amazon Author page here https://www.amazon.co.uk/Wendy-Steele/e/B007VZ1P06

or for my friends across the pond https://www.amazon.com/Wendy-Steele/e/B007VZ1P06

Ghostly Rites is not yet linked to my page as it’s a new release, but you can find it here https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ghostly-Rites-2019-Plaisted-Publishing-ebook/dp/B07ZQV2Y4Q

or here https://www.amazon.com/Ghostly-Rites-2019-Plaisted-Publishing-ebook/dp/B07ZQV2Y4Q

Thank you for your patience. Happy reading! Bright blessings xx


New story on Phoenix and the Dragon and links to more magic!


It’s been a while. I’m sorry. But I’m back telling stories on my Welsh riverbank, just for you.

Tune into the first part of The Waterfall now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFQE3M3O18k&t=45s

Tune in next week for the concluding part of the story.

Are you a magical reader or writer, or both? Have you heard of the Witch Lit podcast on YouTube? Subscribe to the channel for magical writing updates, ‘In the Broom Cupboard’, interviews, ‘Witchanory’ and more! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHtAJO5uh6c9TSai1lhwF7g

Looking for a magical read? Check out my author page for a selection of magical stories https://www.amazon.co.uk/Wendy-Steele/e/B007VZ1P06

and for my friends across the pond https://www.amazon.com/Wendy-Steele/e/B007VZ1P06

Enjoy ‘The Lilith Trilogy’, for high magic and pagan ritual.

Read ‘The Standing Stone Book Series’ where the countryside is the focus of three women’s magic, embracing the gods, goddesses, tree spirits, elves and fairies.

Immerse yourself in ‘The Lizzie Martin Series’, about a woman who embraces magic in her life, to aid her with the stresses of modern living.

Happy reading!


Witches don’t share their magic


I’ve not read it or been told, I just know; witches don’t share the details of their magical workings. You’ll read books of spells, books of correspondences, practices and rituals you can create for yourself, and manuals and guides for you to create your own magic, but the magic of an evening beneath the moon is for the witch alone. Her personal feelings, gains and knowledge gleaned are for her benefit, for her to mull over and learn from, as it should be. Except for Lizzie Martin.

In the Wendy Woo Witch Lit Series, Lizzie Martin shares it all, just like the characters in Dion Fortune’s fiction. It was through Dion Fortune’s books, especially Moon Magic and The Sea Priestess, that I felt compelled to write stories of my own about real people and the magic they create in their lives.

Lizzie Martin includes you in her world, and that includes her magic. In The Naked Witch, Lizzie extends to you the privilege of her Sanctuary…

‘At the bottom of the garden, she squeezed past the oak and rowan trees and opened an old wooden door. Smells of pine, incense and wet wool greeted her. Rowan called it her ‘Mum Cave’. Lizzie called it Sanctuary. Neither carefully synchronised calendars nor lists adorned the walls. No colour co-ordinated work outfits or labelled files filled the cupboards. Swathed in rich tapestries and layers of ancient rugs, Lizzie’s escape was the home she longed for. An ancient chaise longue, draped in rugs and throws spread along one wall. The corner opposite held an exquisite, dust free altar. In the centre sat a curvaceous wooden figure of the goddess.’

Near the beginning of The Orphan Witch, Lizzie shares with you her simple ritual, and her feelings on this Samhain, All Hallow’s Eve or Halloween…

Inside her Sanctuary, safe in her circle, Lizzie made a bed in her lap with her cloak for the chicken. The bird trotted around, mimicking a cat following its tail. Cooing contentedly, she nestled down. Two white candles burned on the altar, casting an eerie flickering light, quickly guzzled by the fog of frankincense. The mist swirled, set in motion by splutters from the candles.

Wrapped in sheepskin, Lizzie sat on the hillside, watching the moon bathing the land in shadow. Sheep huddled among the giant boulders. Men and women stood around the standing stone on the hilltop behind her. Darkness was coming. It was time to return to the valley.

She climbed to the peak, the crackling of the fire welcoming her before its blessed warmth. Tonight they would keep the dark away, for one night at least.

The comforting aroma of ancient books stirred Lizzie and she looked down to the tome open before her. The ticking of her heart sped up. The pages turned in a blur, glimpses of the past bleeding through. Marsha waved from a luxury yacht as did her Granddad, recognisable by the watch chain he always wore in photos. Faces flickered, the pages speeding up, sucking Lizzie into the past with them until she sat wrapped in skins again, looking up into a beautiful, dark brown face framed by oiled and braided plaits. The word ‘mother’ burst within her and Lizzie knew. On the night we remember and revere our ancestors Lizzie was not alone. This was her mother; the mother of us all.

In The Flowerpot Witch, Lizzie invites the reader to Tal-y-Llyn lake and her ritual for Imbolc…

Backpack bouncing, Lizzie set off across the uneven grass. She grimaced over the stile, her ribs screaming at her, across endless streams and springs gushing from the earth, onto the track around the lake. Large stones and rocks littered her way. She stopped often, enjoying the fresh wind on her face and the glints of sunlight bouncing off the water. Diverting from the track, the land was rutted and boggy. Her thighs ached and her ribs burned, climbing over the grassy mounds and ridges before dropping down towards the lake.

There was little flat ground, but she was sheltered from behind, the only wind blowing off the lake in front of her. She trapped the flapping, white altar cloth with her goddess statue from her Sanctuary. She’d never get the candle in the Goddess’ arms to stay alight, but she’d planned ahead and brought two glass jars and two chunky candles, one white and one orange, already charged with chamomile, myrrh and cinnamon which she placed on the cloth along with a handful of white ribbons, a cloth bag, a jar of milk and an old but serviceable horseshoe.

Standing on the tiny beach, the cold wind tugged at her hair and the cloth bag in her hand. She grounded herself, and then cast protection around her before kneeling at the altar. A warm stillness hung over her circle of protection.

            Blessed Brigid, Triple Goddess, Protector

            Preserver of All Memory and Knowledge

Lizzie lit the white candle.

            Goddess of Fire and Fertility

She lit the orange one.

            Welcome to my circle.

Lizzie knelt before the pregnant maid, mesmerised by the candle circlet adorning her tendril curls. Swathed in a cloak the colour of new leaves, her arms wrapped protectively round her belly, the goddess looked into Lizzie’s eyes. Wisdom, compassion and understanding connected the women and Lizzie found the courage to speak.

            The long days of Winter are behind us

            With your blessing, we look to the Spring.

 From the cloth bag she withdrew multiple stones, offering each to Brigid to be blessed.

            Sweet lady, Goddess of light

            Bless these rose quartz so they may bring me wisdom

            To heal with love and compassion.


            Bless these citrines so they may drive away the darkness

            Bringing light into the hearts of those who need it.


            Bless these rubies in memory of the fire of life that glows in your belly

            And the promise of life to come.

She picked up the horseshoe.

            Bless this iron horseshoe

            Above whichever door it hangs

            May that house be a happy home.

At her altar, around each stone and the horseshoe, she tied a white ribbon before picking up the jar of milk and stepping back onto the beach, in front of the goddess. Opening her arms to the wind, she breathed in the beauty of Brigid and sent up her prayer.

            Dearest Brigid who nurtures the seeds through the winter

            Bringing the promise of Spring

            Blessed Goddess who gives and shares

            Showering us all with your enchanted, empowering light.

            I honour you and give you thanks

            Offering back the milk of innocence

            To ensure new births and new beginnings.

            She unscrewed the lid and dripped the milk onto the stones and in the lake.

            Goddess of fire and light

            Grant me the courage to see the truth in my life

            And to understand the truth when it is shown to me.

            On every Spring day

            When the sun shines

            I will remember you.


Begin your magical journey with Lizzie Martin and The Wendy Woo Witch Lit Series.

For all my books:





Story matters


And in this case, it is one particular story that matters. It’s a story I’m sharing with you all because it marks a defining moment in my writing.

This story is the culmination of eight years of writing and publishing novels.

I began writing about high magic and the Wheel of the Year in the two books published so far in the Lilith Trilogy, Destiny of Angels and Wrath of Angels. In both books, Angel Parsons travels the paths of the witches Qabalah and celebrates the Sabbats with her friends. I had read all of Dion Fortune’s books and wanted more.

The Standing Stone book series picks up the threads of the Sabbats of the previous novels, setting the lives of the three women lead characters to be directly affected and influenced by the changing seasons on the Wheel of the Year. These books were inspired by my own arrival in Wales and the luxury of owning land, including a riverbank and the luxuriousness and diversity of the Welsh landscape.

‘Last chance for love’ is Sally’s story, a modern witch using magic in her daily life but mixing it up, using whatever assistance feels right to her to aid her in her last hope. Reading it now, I find it a little ‘clunky’ compared to the Wendy Woo Witch Lit Novels, The Lizzie Martin Series, but this story was the stepping stone to the WitchLit I write now.

This story matters. This story led me to an opportunity to share with every reader the ways that they can be empowered to bring a little magic to their own lives in whatever way they like.

WitchLit is easy to read but eloquent. WitchLit tells a good, simple story, and then you begin to peel away the layers to reveal its complexity.

Sign up for my newsletter today and receive your copy of ‘Last chance for love’.




Why Witch Lit?


The Flowerpot Witch Blog Tour finishes tomorrow, so I wanted to add my own blog post to the tour.  My interview on Friday at Showboat TV with Judith Barrow gave me the opportunity to talk about many things, including why I write Witchlit and magical realism.

Have you read any fiction by Dion Fortune? I read Sea Priestess and Moon Magic and I knew I wanted to write more stories like those.

Fortune’s female lead is a strong, focused, determined woman and her magic is ‘real’. Destiny of Angels was my first novel and my female lead, Angel Parsons, uses the paths of the witch’s Qabalah to explore different ideas and perceptions of reality on the astral plane. I followed it with Wrath of Angels. I believed readers had had their fill of vampires and werewolves and would appreciate real people and real magic but I struggled to market the books because they didn’t fit neatly into the established genres.

I needed a different approach…

In August 2013 we moved into the field of the house we were buying in Wales, waiting for the purchase to be completed.

Once we’d moved in, we discovered an ancient Bronze Age settlement site on a hill beside the house and we cleared our riverbank of brambles and nettles to give us access to the river via a number of secluded ‘beaches’. I took inspiration from the Welsh landscape and penned the first book in the Standing Stone Series, Home for Christmas. These books were more accessible to readers, giving them a story of three women linked across time and space by the standing stone. In there time of most need, the women ask for help and it is given in the form of guidance from the goddess.

And then there was Witchlit! Inspired by a short story I was asked to pen for a possible anthology, Lizzie Martin, my protagonist, sprung into my mind and the Wendy Woo Witch Lit Series book 1, The Naked Witch was created for her. These books are about a real witch who uses magic in her every day life.

Defining and publicising Witchlit is my mission, introducing readers to my stories and others who write this wonderful, exciting, new and sexy genre. We want to start a Witchlit revolution!

You can join the revolution by adding @Witchlit1 to all your magical tweets and be sure to follow us on Twitter…


and my personal account https://twitter.com/WendyWooauthor

Witch Lit is contemporary, magical realism, where the magical and the mundane co-exist. The stories are gritty and believable while magic is sprinkled through the stories, offering the reader a new perspective on reality.

Unlike Chick Lit, Witch Lit women do away with the sweet, sickly or fluffy. Their passion, determination and creativity shine through the stories, though none are averse to a well-rounded buttock or a chiselled jaw. Witch Lit isn’t anti-men but Witch Lit women’s lives don’t revolve wholly around their presence or absence.

You do not need to be pagan or a witch to enjoy these stories!

I’ve had a lot of fun on the Blog Tour, meeting and chatting to new people and sharing my passion for writing, dancing and magic with bloggers and readers. If you’d like to stay in touch, why not sign up for my newsletter?


Or you can use the link ‘Sign up to Wendy Woo’s Round Robin here!’ on the Home page.

You’ll receive a link to a FREE story, the one I was telling you about, the story that links everything I’d written before, with the new Lizzie Martin Witchlit stories.

Why not begin your journey into witchlit today?

You can find all my books via my Amazon author pages


and for my friends across the pond http://www.amazon.com/Wendy-Steele/e/B007VZ1P06/ref

Join me to heal and inspire, spreading ripples of warm heartedness and love into the local community and the world. Bright blessings xx





The Wonderful Wendy Woo Witch Lit Team


The Flowerpot Witch blog tour is nearly here and it’s all thanks to the newest member of the team, Rachel Gilbey.

Welcome Rachel to my blog!

Thanks Wendy, it’s my pleasure to be featured on your blog.

Your services were recommended to me online as the lady to create a perfect blog tour but how do you describe yourself?

I would describe myself as incredibly fortunate to be in a position to be running my own business and doing a job that I am thoroughly enjoying. I am organised, a huge lover of books and just want to help authors get their book out and seen to the wider world.

How did you come to be supporting writers?

Three years ago I started up a book blog, and then from there started taking part in blog tours. From that I realised it was something that I had the skills to do, but it took a year of procrastination and research before I was able to set up the business.

I have been an avid reader my whole life and with social media and the internet it was probably inevitable that I would eventually find likeminded people and be able to share my love of books with a wider audience.


Have you considered writing yourself?

No, I just about got an A in English Language GCSE back in 2000, and that was the last time I tried to write creatively.  If I ever had a persistent idea for a book I may give it a go but have no burning desire to write, I would rather enjoy the fruits of everyone else’s imaginations!


What is your favourite genre to read and why?

Chick lit / romance – I like pure escapism.  Romance in real life doesn’t seem to agree with me but in fiction I get to experience many varieties of book boyfriend, and with chick lit and women’s fiction I get to enjoy some humour too and generally realistic well rounded identifiable characters, which I can then pretend to be for a short while.


If you were stranded on a desert island, with food and shelter provided, what five items would you want with you?

Kindle – I have so many books on it that even without Wi-Fi I have enough to keep me going for a few years

Sun tan lotion – need to protect my skin as I turn into a lobster otherwise!

A sexy man – well I need to entertain myself too!

A genie in a lamp – Having someone to cast unlimited wishes seems like a plan to me

A puppy – I love dogs and don’t have one and need some company when I get bored of the sexy man!


You can invite three people to dinner, who would you invite and why?

Gordon Ramsay – I need someone to cook the dinner and I like him!

Gary Barlow – a mix of entertainment, great music and well I’m a huge Take That fan but don’t want to invite only them for my 3 spots!

Dave Gorman – he’s a lesser known comedian but I love his jokes and observational comedy and I reckon he would fit in well to this party.


Thank you so much for sharing a little of what makes you tick.

Use these links to contact Rachel and view the wonderful random resources she offers.


Website – https://www.rachelsrandomresources.com/

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/rachelsrandomresources/

Twitter – https://twitter.com/rararesources


And that’s The Wonderful Wendy Woo Witch Lit Team, the creative, inspiring, sexy, awesome women behind my books.

Look out for The Flowerpot Witch blog tour coming to a blog near you very soon!


The Wonderful Wendy Woo Witch Lit Team


Now you’ve met my first readers, it’s time to meet my cover designer, formatter and all round tech supporter, Kate Murray. Kate is an artist and author in her own right who kindly offered to help me when I’d been let down.

I asked her some questions…

1 How do you write and draw? Is everything plotted, planned to perfection? Do you ever change tack as you go along or always stick to a pre-made plan?

Sometimes there is a plan, but more often there isn’t. It depends on how complicated I’m going. When I plan a large piece of work that has meaning then it has to be meticulous in pre drawing and notes. But if I decide to work to a feeling then there are no plans – I simply have a go.

In my writing there tends to be more of a plan although the characters very rarely stick to it.


2 Do you have a writing ritual? Meditation, certain cup for your tea, writing trousers?

 Trousers? No… I do have a specific set up. My computer, which is a Wacom drawing tablet, earphones (have to be red) and music, normally from the mid 80s to present day. Oh! And Queen. A cup of coffee and a handful of peanuts. Then I’m ready for anything.


 3 Aside from writing, what makes you tick? Tell us 5 things about yourself we probably don’t know.

I love to bake, knit and do creative things.

I grow stuff, from herbs to flowers.

If I can I will have some DIY project on the go, although my partner is the one who has to bail me out.

I love that my home is full of family that come and go as they please. That the house always seems busy.

I collect ornament cats. And I name them. Give them characters and places in the house.


4 If you were stranded on a desert island with shelter, food and water, what 5 items would you want with you?

My partner – Roland. I would forfeit the other four things for him…


5 On said island, what 5 books would you take and why?

The Prowlers by Christopher Golden. This book isn’t about curses but the stark reality of the werewolf if they existed.

Touching the Void by Joe Simpson. He survived but how he did it is amazing.

The Fireman by Joe Hill. I love all Joe Hill’s books but this is about love and sacrifice, and is just brilliant.

Hollow World by Michael J Sullivan. Because it is a future I can see happening. And love without the barriers of gender.

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. It starts with murder and carries on from there. Beautiful, modern fairytale.


6 Off the island now, which famous person would you like to have dinner with?­

Tricky, but I would have to chose Freddie Mercury. He had a hell of a creative mind and I have a feeling I would just listen. Anyone who can put an operatic section in a rock song has got to be interesting. Scaramouch Fandango; where does that come from?


7 Your current writing projects?

I have a Tudor colouring book for Key Stage 3 on the go at the moment. A murder mystery screen play and a couple of artworks. Life is busy and a lot of fun.


8 Other published work and links….


‘Nomora’ – Aberystwyth Masters Magazine 2012

‘The Wait’ – Female First (magazine) 2013

‘Searching Pride’ – Female First (magazine) 2013

‘Oil and Water’ – The Lampeter Review 2013

‘Vanilla and Caramel’ – Ether books and in Twisted Tales Anthology 2013 published by Raging Aardvark Press

‘The White Ghost’ – Ether books 2013

‘A fur coat, a guitar and a song’ – in the ‘Busker’ anthology published by What the Dickens magazine (ebook) 2013

‘James Herbert – biography’ – Thresholds (University of Cirencester) 2013

‘Vanilla and Caramel’ – Twisted Tales Anthology, Aardvark Press 2013

‘Dust’ – published by Jotters United Literary Magazine 2014

‘Crimson and Scarlet’ – published by Jotters United Literary Magazine 2014

‘The Phantom Horse’ – Self-published flash fiction collection 2014

‘The Constant Bicycle’ – in the ‘Spooky Tales’ anthology published by What the Dickens magazine (ebook) 2014

‘Love Just Is’ – Short story Collection published by Raging Aardvark Press 2014

‘Shadows Close’ – Short Story Collection published by Raging Aardvark Press 2014

‘Truth and Lies’ – Self-published crime novella 2015

‘The Gone’ – Self-Published horror novel 2015

‘The Shallow Sea’ – Self-published disaster novel 2016

‘Here Be Dragons’ – Self-published children’s novel 2016 (Shortlisted for the Firefly prize 2015)

‘Tunnels’ – Self-published Children’s novel 2016

‘Fey’ – Self-published Children’s novel 2016

‘How the Moon Lost the Stars’ – Self-published picture book 2017

‘The Gone 2 – Evolution’ – Self-published Horror Novel 2017

‘Here Be Wolves’ – Self-published children’s novel 2017

‘Adult Tudor Colouring Book’ – Self-published colouring book 2017


Most are available through my Amazon page: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Kate-Murray/e/B00IS2FP98/

Or my website: http://kate0murray.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kate.murray.author.artist/



Kate is wonderful to work with! She’s patient and thoughtful and meticulous in all her work. Her artwork is stunning and her books magnificent and she’s far too modest to tell you, but she’s been accepted to study for a PhD at Swansea University. She’s a truly inspirational, unstoppable creative bombshell and I’m privileged to call her friend.

Join me tomorrow to meet the final member of The Wonderful Wendy Woo WitchLit Team.





The Wonderful Wendy Woo Witch Lit Team


On the run up to The Flowerpot Witch blog tour, I’ve been introducing you to the fabulous team of women who help me get my book from my imagination into the public domain. Today is the turn of my final first reader, Melanie Collier.

Hi, I’m Melanie, dance and movement teacher, crafter, blogger and provider of document services such as proofreading, copy-editing, data entry or just plain old typing.

I teach belly dance in Pembrokeshire, where I also provide cover for LIFT (Low Impact Functional Training) gentle exercise sessions for Age Cymru. My first love was ballet, but I’ve been to workshops or courses in lots of other dance styles. I also studied contemporary dance, and through that was introduced to somatic movement practices. Since I was diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis several years ago, (something of a hindrance and embuggerance to a dancer) I’ve found yoga and Pilates useful and become increasingly interested in somatics, both as physiotherapy and as applied to dance.

When I’m not dancing, exercising, proofreading and editing, I like to mess around with yarn (I always have a pair of socks on the needles), wire, beads, sequins, sea glass, fabric, ribbons, paint/pens/pencils or Photoshop. I take commissions for things like socks, jewellery and fabric flowers. Various bits of my digital art are gradually being added to the print-on-demand sites Zazzle, Redbubble, Cafepress and Deviant Art as I engage in the perpetual fight with my antiquated PC to load them.

And when I’m not doing any of that, I’m gardening, watching wildlife, recording moths (like proofreading, identifying moths requires an eye for detail) and butterflies, blogging, doing mindful meditation, and trying to find time to practise drumming, learn other new skills and curl up with my cats and a good book. Housework is low on the list of activities!

I met Wendy through dance and it was only later that I learned she’s an author. I was quite flattered to be added to her team of first readers for The Naked Witch, a new genre and activity for me. I immediately fell in love with Lizzie and her daughter, and was enthralled by the way she thinks and works and the descriptions of her sessions in her sanctuary, so was very glad to get an early look at the following two novels. I’m not sure if Wendy likes or loathes my nit-picking (especially the lack of commas before clauses beginning ‘but’, which drives me NUTS!). However, I am sure that readers will enjoy the books very much indeed.

Melanie is a creative, vibrant spirit and a beautiful dancer. Of course I like her nit-picking! With Melanie’s sharp eye and unflinching determination for perfection, she helps me whip my books into shape, ready for you readers.



Join me tomorrow to meet the cover designer and formatter of the Wendy Woo Witch Lit books. In the meantime, keep an eye out for the blog tour poster and, if you haven’t yet been introduced to the Lizzie Martin series, check out my books on my author page.





The Wonderful Wendy Woo Witch Lit Team


On the run up to the blog tour for The Flowerpot Witch, here’s another first reader for you to meet, Melanie Jackson Bridge. If I was married, she’d be my sister-in-law, so she’s married to my partner’s brother, but I’m lucky to call her friend as well as family.

I’m Mel and currently I don’t really do very much at the moment. I’m an older parent to a 7 year old who keeps me on my toes. In the absence of employment, I’m a wannabe polymath. I feel that you’re never to old to learn something new, and over the last year I’ve participated in a number of short courses on a variety of subjects including creative writing, critical thinking, eminent Victorians, Jane Austen, and understanding autism. At the time of writing this, I’m 2/3 through an evening adult education course, and I’m about to sign up for some online learning. If I’m not filling my time with my evening class, you may find me at my local ecology group, at yoga, bellydancing, doing school governor things, doing parents association things, or reading. Occasionally I make cards, or jewellery. From time to time I help my husband out with the admin side of his photography business.

I’ve known Wendy for many years and its her resolute spirit and ability to apply herself 100% to what she does that really inspires me. Therefore, it was a great honour to be asked to be one of Wendy’s first readers, as I greatly admire Wendy’s ability to tell a good story. Lizzie Martin is a wonderful character; wise, measured, compassionate, warm and a genuine friend. Just the sort of person we all aspire to be. What marks Lizzie as different is her connection to the natural world and the unseen, and her magic always strikes me as beautiful and practical in equal measures.

Like others in Wendy’s circle, I see myself as an author, but as yet, my story is unfinished and so unpublished. At least once a week I remind myself I’m trying to write a novel, but I spend so much time researching the WW2 period I get sidetracked by reading different accounts from the Mass Observation. Because of my propensity to procrastination I’m in awe of Wendy’s determination and focus as an author.


And, like all of my Wonderful Wendy Woo Witch Lit Team, Mel has failed to mention her degrees! She has a BSc and MSc in Conservation (management) and studied while pregnant and managing a new baby. She’s a stickler for grammar and a stern critique of my work but I love her for it. She knows she’s lazy and incredibly pedantic, but she’s a feminist, a pagan, an LGBTQ ally and a great charity supporter. My most remembered magical moments are with Mel, sharing magic in my circle beneath the moon. I’m blessed to have her on my side.

Check out her writer page on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KMacDonaldAuthor/

and on twitter: https://twitter.com/tooftalf


You’ve met Sarah, Eve and Mel so pop back tomorrow and meet another Mel, Melanie Collier, to complete The Wonderful Wendy Woo Witch Lit Team first readers.

Keep your eyes peeled for The Flowerpot Witch blog tour coming soon to a website near you!




The Wonderful Wendy Woo Witch Lit Team


With less than a week to go until The Flowerpot Witch blog tour begins, I’m showcasing on my blog the women who have made my writing and publication possible. Today’s first reader is Eve Merrick-Williams…

I’m Eve, a retired lady of a certain age, but don’t buy the stereotype. I sport large tattoos and some recent body piercings. I love Rammstein, Junksista and Suicide Commando to name a few of hundreds of loved bands. I had the great luck to meet Wendy four years ago when I joined her belly dance class.

I was hugely flattered when Wendy asked me to be one of the first readers of The Flower Pot Witch, as I greatly admire Wendy’s writing. I love the Lizzy Martin character  who is the sort of woman we’d all like as a friend. Lizzy is a modern woman who deals with all the challenges faced by  modern women; a modern woman who just happens to be a witch.

I write myself, mainly dark, gothic short stories and flash fiction. I’ve had some success getting published in small press magazines. I always joke that I can only get published in magazines I wouldn’t want to be seen reading.


Eve is a good friend, but one who can be totally honest with me. She’s far too modest to tell you but she has BAs in Classical Studies and Ancient History and an MA in Ancient Philosophy and Myth and inspires me every day. Despite insisting that she has no rhythm, she’s a fab dancer and valuable member of Tribal Unity Wales.

You can find her on Facebook here:https://www.facebook.com/Eve-Merrick-Williams-783933638314022/

And on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EveMerrick