Woman 1 – Bracelet Inspiration

Woman 1 – Bracelet Inspiration

Woman 1 is the latest in the chakra bracelet range at The Riverbank Witch, inspired by the new moon and a very special lady.

The first bracelet, Chakra Balance, was created following a weekend at a friend’s house, where a group of us dancers came together to chill, chat and share our talents. We danced, and ate delicious food, tried our hand at a drop spindle and made wooden ‘roses’. We learned to crochet and had unlimited access to two bead boxes. Using coloured beads, I created my first chakra bracelet, a gift for our hostess, and by the time I’d arrived home, I knew I wanted to make the ‘real thing’. Chakra Balance was born.

In February 2021, almost a year since the first lockdown, I began dancing the chakras, focussing on a different one each week in an effort to restore my confidence. Unable to teach dance classes or set up my stall at book fairs, I’d withdrawn, feeling safer at home, away from people. The first chakras were challenging, especially the solar plexus, but on reaching the heart, something changed inside me, and I stayed with the heart for a few weeks, embracing new ideas that surfaced. From this work with the heart chakra, I was inspired to create Moss Agate and Rose Quartz bracelets.

I continued dancing through the chakras, and at the third eye, I sought solace in the wisdom of Cerridwen. I took her advice, immersing myself with inspiration from the budding nature all around me. I purchased flower spacers for a new bracelet, certain a ‘nature’ bracelet was to be my next creation, but instead, Lapis Lazuli was born, linked to third eye wisdom but inspired by the immense beauty of the starry sky, worn by the goddess Inanna as a girdle. Practical wisdom was still at my finger tips from Cerridwen, but it was Inanna in her aspect as Queen of Heaven, that helped me see ‘beyond the veil’, and opened up new potential for me, and in me.

At the latest dark moon, I felt no qualms embracing the goddess Lilith. As hand maiden to Inanna, I felt confident in her hands, and we’ve worked through many of my shadow thoughts together. At this time, while one dancer friend is getting married, I remember another, our beautiful friend, Anna, taken from us too soon. Woman 1 is a bracelet for inspiration and well being, inspired by Anna.

Moss Agate – allow your heart to expand with love, both for people, all living creatures and the natural world. Drop pebbles of love and kindheartedness into daily life, and watch the ripples spread out into your communty.

Lapis Lazuli – be open to possibilities you may not have considered before, trusting your own judgement. Don’t be blinkered by the past or other people’s beliefs. You don’t have to ‘do’ – you are allowed to ‘be’.

Amethyst – Love purple! Don’t be afraid to wear whatever you like, and embrace all aspects of yourself – jumping in puddles and making daisy chains are good for you. Be aware of your dreams. Be all of you.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the story behind the bracelets. Fiction writing is not yet flowing from my fountain pen, and though I’ve tried to encourage it, I’m drawn back to my beads and my knitting needles. There will be a time to write, but in the mean time, I hope you’ll purchase a bracelet that calls out to you, and helps you on your journey.

New moon blessings xx

Where did all the words go?

Where did all the words go?

After celebrating the Winter Solstice with all my children on 21st December 2019, I turned my attention to the coming year, and the launch of The Riverbank Witch. I submitted my short story ‘The Dance of Love’ on the 26th December for an anthology, and was accepted. I uploaded another short story, ‘Lowri’s Forest’ to Book Funnel, to send out to volunteer readers, to decide whether to turn it into a novel, and the feedback was unanimous that I should.

Tribal Unity Wales dance classes began in Lampeter and Aberystwyth on 7th January 2020, with new ladies, as well as regular dancers. My diary began filling up with annual dance gigs like Lampeter Food Festival and The Steampunk Extraordinarium in Blaenavon with The Wee Crafty Folk. I joined prayers at 7am on Friday 10th January, the full moon, praying for rain for Australia. I woke the following morning, dizzy and disorientated, and my heart racing. Fear, swamped me, according to my diary. I had a real feeling that something more than the fires was going to happen. I organised knitters to knit joey pouches, and liaised with those transporting to Australia, and delivered our boxes to Bridgend.

At the end of January, my story ‘Leap of Faith’ was published by Zimbell in their Time Guardians anthology, and the idea, to combine all my magical creating under one, and operate as The Riverbank Witch, was underway. At Tribal Unity Wales, we learned Bollywood choreographies with the fabulous Kritika, and I began a list of possible craft fairs/book fairs/ faery festivals/craft markets and pagan markets, where I could set up a stall as The Riverbank Witch.

Throughout February I knitted and danced, and wrote and planned. I was eloquent and alive, and living a useful, worthwhile, helpful life, supporting and inspiring, creating a safe space for women to dance and be, as well as writing fiction about strong, practical, resourceful, amazing women. Inspired by the countryside around me, the magic and the muse were flowing with ideas and words…..and then the world was halted………..and my life was cancelled.

Then began the painful months, begging banks and mortgage companies, and signing on for benefits for the first time in my life. How I found the words to speak, I don’t know, but I still have my roof over my head.

Online dancing was difficult from the start, living on a Welsh hillside with a pathetic WiFi signal, and many of my ladies don’t have space in their homes to set aside to dance uninterrupted. Cancelling events in my diary began, each loss like a stab in the heart. I didn’t celebrate the publishing of my short story ‘The Dead Game’, not when there was a killer disease on my door step, and people I knew were getting sick.

With my partner at home, there was no time or space to write even if the words had been there. But instead of the usual ideas that had pervaded my head for so many years, magical fiction, linked closely with the Earth, now I was grieving for her, ripped apart by forest fires and devastated by acres and acres of cattle and pig farms, spewing pollutants into the earth, rivers and atmosphere.

We worked outside when the weather allowed, creating new vegetable beds and an area on the riverbank for fruit, anything to keep our minds and bodies active; anything we could do that cost next to nothing.

Not being able to go to the beach was almost as unbearable as not being able to see my sons. My riverbank was my solace, but I yearned for the sounds and smells of the ocean, embracing me and enhancing my magic and my life. I focussed on expanding my knitted, cotton range for The Riverbank Witch, determined to make a small difference, encouraging people to ditch throwaway wipes in favour of more sustainable options. I picked up my WIP, the sixth and final book in the Lizzie Martin Series, The Real Witch, and began to read it through with a view to write on, but my head was full of forest fires, rising hospital admissions and death rates.

In the middle of the summer last year, my partner secured a job that could be done socially distanced, but would take four weeks of long days and nights. On a whim, I abandoned The Real Witch, and began writing a new novel, out of my short story ‘Lowri’s Forest’. It’s a post apocalyptic kind of book. I wrote the first half, just over 50k words. They flowed out of me with ease. I allowed Lowri to feel some of my pain, as well as hers, and together we reached the half way point in the novel. I stopped. My partner had no more work and I had no words. Why? Because in order to complete the book, I needed a sense of hope.

It is the 1st March 2021, St David’s Day in Wales, and a bright but cold day, here on my Welsh hillside. The birds join me now on my early morning walk, and beneath my feet, the earth is warming up to spring. After the blessings of the full moon on Saturday, I’ve chakra bracelets to make for Artemis Soul Sanctuary in Monmouth, and seeds to plant to begin my vegetable growing this year. The Riverbank Witch has already launched a new product, our Twisted Headband, updated our Fresh Face bundle with extra face pads, and I’ve done the product testing on a new creation, launching on 21st March.

I haven’t seen my boys for over a year, but I am hopeful.

My depression takes my spoken words from me. I turn inward, protecting myself, keeping silent, knowing that one rebuke will be one too many to bear.

My fear takes my written words. The natural world, that has ruled my life since I was a small child talking to the moon with my toy rabbit, is hurting, because humanity takes with no thought of giving back. Fires, melting ice sheets, rising sea levels and tsunamis, are Nature’s way of fighting back, seeking to rectify the imbalance we cause Her. But I don’t fear for Her. No, I’m afraid that humans won’t listen until it’s too late. The devastation caused by animal agriculture has been known for decades, as has the possibility that an animal virus can and will spread to humans if given the right circumstances, yet the appalling, barbaric conditions animals are reared in, continues. The world is talking about coronavirus, but I’ve heard nothing from any government about urgent meetings to discuss animal agriculture practices or help or subsidies for farmers to diversify, away from animals and into crops. There is no talk of a different, new, sustainable future, but instead, it’s all about getting back to ‘normal’.

‘Normal’ is putting power, politics and profit first. Isn’t it time to put people, parity and the planet first?

I cannot change the world on my own, but I need to be true to myself. As The Riverbank Witch, I stand up for sustainablity, recycling and working with the planet, rather than against her. Every day, I am mindful to do my best in this regard, and encourage others to do the same. The vaccine has given the world hope, and we must not abuse this wonderful blessing, but use it as a platform to create a better world than the one pre lockdown.

And hope is rising in me. My partner is working next week. I’ll be ready and waiting for the words and ideas that flit around the universe, to land in my head so I can write again.

Thank you to my friend and sister, Sheena Cundy, for your love and support, encouraging me to share, even when I feel that I don’t have the words xx

Happy Healthy Wholefoods

Happy Healthy Wholefoods

From all the research I’ve done, I believe a whole food, plant based diet is the healthiest way to eat. It should be the default diet that everyone begins with, as the way to keep healthy and I wish I’d known about it years ago!

Having turned vegetarian at the age of 22 years, from what I believed was an ethical stand point, I’ve been vegan now for almost four years after realising that I hadn’t gone far enough, but if you’re looking at diet from a health perspective, you can’t beat a whole food, plant based diet. This way of eating can cure disease. I’m going to say that again….eating a whole food, plant based diet can cure disease. It has been proven it can reverse heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and many more illnesses. Don’t take my word for it…check out the factual videos and science at http://www.nutritionfacts.org On this website, Dr Michael Gregor provides facts, gleaned from medical papers, made easy to understand by non medical professionals.

Whatever your ethical standpoint, doesn’t everyone want to be well and fit, especially at a time when having a decent immune system is a bonus? I’m often asked what I eat on my whole food plant based diet and the answer is….as much whole food plant based food as I can! I’ve shared recipes with you before, but over the next few months, I’m going to revisit a few, share some updates and share new recipes of dishes I’m eating regularly.

So, what is a whole food plant based diet? Dr Gregor has a free App you can download called the Daily Dozen, and this guide really helps focus on the parts of our diet, essential for wellbeing and health. Beans, pulses, legumes, combined with vegetables, especially cruciferous, fruit, whole grains and healthy fats like nuts and seeds, form the basis of my diet, and my lentil loaf plays a big part in that.

Mine is a High Carb Hannah recipe and you can find it here https://wendysteele.com/2019/04/12/life-begins-at-fifty-healthy-life-11-hch-lentil-loaf/

I now add extra turmeric and black pepper to my loaf, and love chopping in dried apricots, sultanas or raisins. Drowning under a glut of runner beans from the garden one week, I added beans to the loaf and they worked well chopped small. The courgettes however, made the loaf a bit soggy!

Lentil loaf is one of our staple foods. We eat it most days for lunch with a huge salad, ticking off lots of boxes on the Daily Dozen without having to try very hard. It’s filling, really sustaining when there’s renovation work to do on the house, or wood to chop.

Consider including a lentil loaf into your cooking repertoire….easy to make, delicious, sustaining and really good for you. Check out the recipes on this site by typing ‘Plant based’ into the search box.

Visit again for more recipes and thoughts on the benefits of plant based eating. Blessings x

Meet the Author – Zoe Murphy


It’s been a while since I chatted to an author on my blog, but Zoe has released her first novel, The Ash Rose, so I was certain you’d love to meet her. I met her at the Llandysul Book Fair two years ago, reading her poetry, and she’s an active member of our Witch Lit group on Facebook. She contributed to our Witch Lit Anthology, in aid of Books for Africa. She’s one of the cleverest (and busiest!) women I know, and her passion and love for her craft and her writing is truly inspiring. Let’s find out more about her…

First question, how do you write? Is everything plotted, planned to perfection? Do you ever change tack as you go along or always stick to a pre-made plan?

I have always been a complete Pantser and expect creative inspiration to just arrive sometimes! However Iā€™ve discovered that writing is a graft, a hustle and a job in itself. While Iā€™m not willing to completely relinquish my Pantser status, I have altered my writing methods significantly. For the next book in my series, I have plotted from beginning to end. Itā€™s not a hugely detailed plot plan but itā€™s a definite structured guideline and I think itā€™ll mean less tidying up for me in the editing process.

You’ll have to let us know how planning more worked out, Zoe.

So, do you have a writing ritual? Meditation, certain cup for your tea, writing trousers?

I love to light candles and have my headphones on with my writing playlist playing through the headset. Music is a huge part of my life and my writing. It just provides a drive and an atmosphere for me.

Headphones are a great help to focus the mind, aren’t they? You’ll have to share your writing playlist sometime.

Aside from writing, what makes you tick? Tell us 5 things about yourself we probably donā€™t know.

Iā€™ve worked in the community arena for over six years now and Iā€™m very passionate about community-based work, coproduction and trying to do what I can for marginalised groups.

I was a street dance teacher and judge for seventeen years!

I absolutely love dogs- or hounds as I like to call my dog because she is a hound actually haha. Sheā€™s a Rhodesian Ridgeback. They are my favourite dog ever. Weā€™ve always had them in the family. If I had a familiar, it would be a dog.

I have twenty-one cousins on my maternal side. Hence the reason I can talk quite loudly sometimes…

I am also a performance poet. Iā€™m in love with spoken word.

Yay! another dancer!

Another question, if you were stranded on a desert island with shelter, food and water, what 5 items would you want with you?

Pen, paper, mascara, lipstick and a comfy chair.

Sounds perfect to me.

On said island, what 5 books would you take and why?

Ā Oooo, this is hard.

I know!

Memoirs of a Geisha- just the detail, the plot, the characters. Itā€™s a beautiful book.

The Throne of Glass Series- The world building and the witches in these books are incredible.

Superb choices:-)

Off the island now, which famous person would you like to have dinner with?Ā­

Ā Kathy Burke. One of my favourite actresses.

Now it’s time to tell us about your current writing projects, if you can…

The second in my Lleng Saith series is what Iā€™m working on right now. Working title is Drum of Zorya or Dark Fire Drum. I canā€™t decide. I also have plans to start writing a supernatural PI series. These will be novellas.

Looking forward to following you and your work, Zoe, and thanks so much for joining me. Where can people find you and your work?

I’ve a new website http://www.thiswelshwitch.com

My books are available on Amazon, via my author page https://www.amazon.co.uk/Zoe-Murphy/e/B086ML4HMX

and https://www.amazon.com/Zoe-Murphy/e/B086ML4HMX

The Ash Rose

Our Art Beats

No Apologie Anfologie

Ley Lines

You can find me on my writers Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ZoeMAuthor/

Or on my crafts page https://www.facebook.com/thiswelshwitch/

About to share this interview with you all, Sheena and I had a cancellation on our Witch Lit Podcast on Youtube, so I contacted Zoe and she kindly agreed to talk to us. Here’s Zoe Murphy in person. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjggA8TOxNo&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1Gj9j5VhiYFcA0a7100iFbPktFhxIbkWq3BMIaewv3hBoMB-H_rUqJq10





The Naked Witch is on promo this week!


Since launching The Riverbank Witch, showcasing all my magical creating, I’ve met loads of lovely new people. We’ve chatted about knitting, growing fruit and veg, as well as their Craft and mine, so as a special ‘thank you’ to everyone who has supported me, I’m offering The Naked Witch to download today for just 99p or $1.24. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Naked-Witch-Wendy-Novel-Book-ebook/dp/B06W5D6GVV

and for my friends across the pond https://www.amazon.com/Naked-Witch-Wendy-Novel-Book-ebook/dp/B06W5D6GVV

The Naked Witch is the first book in the Lizzie Martin series, so for less than the price of a skinny latte, you can begin a magical journey with Lizzie and her friends. There are three books published in the series, books four and five, The Eloquent Witch and The Able Witch, are complete, but not yet published, and the final book, The Real Witch, is in creation. My writing is Witch Lit.

I often get asked, what is Witch Lit and why did you decide to write it?

I believe the best description is borrowed from Chick Lit. Stories with a heroine-centred narrative focus on the trials and tribulations of their individual protagonists. These women live in a modern world, coping with work and home life. The books are peppered with a smattering of light heartedness and humour. All you have to do is substitute ā€˜witchā€™ for ā€˜chickā€™.

Witch Lit is contemporary, magical realism, where the magical and the mundane co-exist. The stories are gritty and believable while magic is sprinkled through the stories, offering the reader a new perspective on reality.

In response to why I write it, why wouldnā€™t I want to write about a woman who can hold down a full time job, single parent a fourteen year old daughter, raise money for the local childrenā€™s hospice and knock three coconuts off a shyā€¦on a bad day? Why not write stories about passionate, earthy women, living real lives and embarking on wild, wonderful and outrageous adventures?

Characters with an underlying sense of their own spirituality are fascinating to read about and even more compelling to write about. Stories emerge from a different perspective but are set in the familiar world the reader inhabits.

Unlike Chick Lit, Witch Lit women do away with the sweet, sickly or fluffy. Their passion, determination and creativity shine through the stories, though none are averse to a well-rounded buttock or a chiselled jaw. Witch Lit isnā€™t anti-men but Witch Lit womenā€™s lives donā€™t revolve wholly around their presence or absence.

Download your copy today https://www.amazon.co.uk/Naked-Witch-Wendy-Novel-Book-ebook/dp/B06W5D6GVV/


Press the link to ‘The Riverbank Witch’ on this website, and visit the FB page http://www.facebook.com/theriverbankwitch

The Riverbank Witch is new to Instagram, so do come over and say ‘hello’. New moon blessings to you all xx



The latest from The Riverbank Witch!


It’s been a soggy July here in Wales, but it’s given me plenty of time for writing and crafting. I’m delighted to present to you the latest product from The Riverbank Witch……..

Fresh Face

1 soft, cotton midi cloth for washing

1 mini cloth, knitted in worsted cotton, perfect for exfoliating

9 face pads for cleansing

1 bag to wash them in, just secure the top and pop into the washing machine

Fresh FaceĀ is the perfect, eco way to glowing skin! No more facewipes. No more disposable face pads.

Choose the colour of your midi cloth from White, Ecru (creamy), Moondance (shades of blue and lilac), Key Lime Pie (shades of vibrant, zesty lime) and this week’s new colour, Fruit Punch ( blue, lilac, white and and a touch of green)

Mini cloth is crafted in Blackcurrant (Ecru is also available for a gentler wash)

Face pads in various colours

Buy your Fresh Face bundle for Ā£15 with FREE postage to the UK this week. I’ve sets ready to post out immediately!

These hand crafted, beautiful cotton bundles, are perfect for you or as a gift.

Contact me today to order yours.

New moon blessings to you all xx

The Riverbank Witch is here!


The Riverbank Witch is here! You can find her on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/The-Riverbank-Witch-107997124171331/

There are new crafted items for sale on a weekly basis including cotton cloths, jewellery and books.

You can also visit the new page on this website https://wendysteele.com/the-riverbank-witch/

This week’s new products are Everlasting Scrunchies. Postage to the UK is FREE on all orders placed this week, so why not pop over for yourself, a gift for a friend or for ideas for presents for parties and hen nights. If you can’t see what you’re looking for, message me and I’ll do my best to help.

Thank you to everyone who has supported The Riverbank Witch. Full moon blessings to you all xx

Second of TFFFM, Wrath of Angels – tea break listen!


The Muse is staying. It’s lovely having her here, but she will keep going for wanders around the land when she’s supposed to be helping. I’ll not admonish her though….she knows what she needs, and I’m sure she’ll be back to get me to the half way point of my new novel very soon.

Enjoy the short video of The First Fabulous Five Minutes of my second novel, Wrath of Angels. I love this book! Exploring the magical pathways with Angel Parsons, the main protagonist, was enlightening, so I can’t wait to share it with you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDilcHd58w0&t=66s

Purchase your copy here https://www.amazon.co.uk/Wrath-Angels-Lilith-Trilogy-Book-ebook/dp/B00KTH2E4Y

or for my friends across the water https://www.amazon.com/Wrath-Angels-Lilith-Trilogy-Book-ebook/dp/B00KTH2E4Y

Today in the UK, you can purchase this paperback for just Ā£2.58! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Wrath-Angels-Second-Lilith-Trilogy/dp/1500136662

Join me next time for the first book in the Standing Stone Series, Home for Christmas.



Plant based recipe of the week – Week 15 – Ikarian Stew


Apologies for my lack of recipe posting, but the writing muse has put her slippers under the bed and my new novel is taking most of my time at the moment.

I discovered the Ikarian Stew recipe on The Happy Pear Youtube page, and now it is one of our weekly staples. Packed full of anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals, it’s a real whole food plant based super stew.Ā https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AXpf3YiuIU&t=165s

I’m thrilled to say, the last batch I made had chickpeas, lentils and black beans that I’d cooked myself from scratch,rather than using tins. You can find out how here https://wendysteele.com/2020/04/23/how-to-cook-dried-beans-and-legumes/

In the next few weeks, I’ll also be able to use my own home grown kale, which is starting to get going in one of my raised vegetable beds.

This stew is simple, hearty and delicious. As long as you keep the basic recipe, variants are fine. Our last one was abundant in carrots but lacking a leek, but still tasted scrumptious.

Ikarian Stew

Ā 2 medium onions

2 cloves garlic

2 carrots 150g

2 leeks 400g

Ā½ teaspoon salt (I left this out)

1 tin black beans -240g drained

1 tin chick peas

1 tin cooked lentils

150g dry wholewheat pasta (or brown rice)

200g broccoli (I use 1 head)

100g kale

1 tin chopped tomatoes

100g tomato paste

2 tablespoons tamari (or soya sauce)

2.5 litres vegetable stock

Ā½ teaspoon black pepper


1 Chop and sweat onions and garlic in a large pan without oil ā€“ add 2 tablespoons, or more if necessary. of the veg stock to stop it sticking


2 Add carrots, leeks, broccoli and kale stalks and salt and 50ml stock. Put lid on and sweat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.


3 Add rest of ingredients. Lid on, simmer for 10 minutes. Taste, adjust seasoning and add chilli flakes if you like. I then simmered for another 15 minutes, again with the lid on, then turned off the pot and left it. It thickens up beautifully.

Depending how big your portions are, this feeds 6-8 people, and it freezes well. Enjoy!

Check out other tried and tested plant based recipes by typing ‘plant based’ into the search box on the Home page.

I’m not only a passionate eater and advocate of delicious plant based food, but a writer, healer and crafter. Check out my Youtube channel Phoenix and the Dragon for free stories and updates on my riverbank. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw3ee9CuNdek9ZC1Im8I_iA?view_as=subscriber



The Writing Muse has unpacked her suitcase!


The Writing Muse has moved into the spare room. She’s unpacked her case and greets me on my return from my morning walk, with ideas, thoughts and perfect words. I’m spending as much time as I can attempting to take her perfect words, and create a novel with them. ‘Lowri’s Forest’ is appearing on my screen, still in first draft, but 43k words to the good.

I’m struggling to write anything else, so I’ve started TFFFM – The First Fabulous Five Minutes. Join me on my riverbank to hear five minutes from the beginning of all my novels, in the order I wrote them.

The first one is Destiny of Angels, the first book in the Lilith Trilogy.


Here’s a few reviews to give you a taste of what to expect….

Engrossing – ā€œI loved this book. I don’t want to spoil the plot but I’ll just say that it’s totally different from anything else I’ve read. The character descriptions are so good, I could totally imagine what they all looked like and I particularly liked Jenny and her family. I couldn’t put this down and read it in two days. Hope we don’t have to wait too long for the next one:-)ā€


Unusual story, excellent read – ā€œI really enjoyed this book. I wasn’t sure what to expect but without giving too much away, it’s a revenge/ redemption story with a spiritual twist, where the mundane and the mystical intertwine. Looking forward to the sequel.ā€


Fantastic! – ā€œAngel meets up with old friends and acquaintances at a school reunion, she’s changed since school and not only is she stunningly beautiful, her success stands out!
Wendy Steele’s characters are wonderful, her tale gripping as she takes you to a world of ritual and suspense, the best revenge is to succeed against all odds. I bought this book on Kindle and in paperback IT’S THAT GOOD!ā€


Magnificent, fantastic, enlightening – ā€œI loved Destiny of Angels. It was a captivating read from page 1. Touches on friendship, love, struggle, power, control, achievement issues. Wonderful read for someone going through a life-changing experience. I was absorbed by the plot and the pace of the story was spot-on. Great balance of suspense and romance. Wendy Steele has a refreshing style of writing and I will be definitely reading the next instalment in the Lilith trilogy. Recommended read!ā€

Check out all my novels and stories on my Amazon author page https://www.amazon.co.uk/Wendy-Steele/e/B007VZ1P06

and for my friends and readers across the pond https://www.amazon.com/Wendy-Steele/e/B007VZ1P06

I do hope you enjoy my videos. Please like and subscribe to my channel and ding the bell to be notified of new content. Stay safe out there. Sending new moon blessings to you all